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TYPO3 to Wordpress Migration (Users)

I got a problem with migration from TYPO3 to Wordpress. We got like 4.000 Users in Typo3 and want to migrate them to Wordpress. Typo3 uses BCRYPT Password Hash, and Wordpress PHPASS. I’ve changed the ...
user243602's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

WordPress user password reset not working

I have additional users set up on my WordPress site. One of the other users has asked me to reset their password as the 'forgot my password' function doesn't work (a reset password email isn't ...
MartyB's user avatar
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Allow Weak Passwords

a client wants to use a very specific password and i'm trying to update it in the user page. i keep getting this error, Please choose a stronger password. Use at least 12 characters, and include ...
patricko's user avatar
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Custom Password Reset

I am building a function that should send the user an email with a password-reset-link in it (I am just using it after registration because I don't want my user to set his password while registrating)....
FlowingCode's user avatar
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Send user auto generated password on different email

On one of my websites, I'm trying to customize different email content like user activation email/new user registration email. Basically, on the activation email, it sends an activation link with the ...
Arif Khan's user avatar
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2 answers

change user password REST API

I am trying to let a user change their password via the API. What it looks like here is that I can send a POST request to the users endpoint with their user ID at the end, sending the new password in ...
user8463989's user avatar
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Migrate Users From laravel to wordpress

we used Laravel before , and now we are moving to Wordpress, so we need to migrate all users including the passwords , is this possible? thanks
Mr Pc's user avatar
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1 answer

When I enter password, I'm redirected to the WordPress login form

I have a page at http://localhost/wix/dss/ when I enter, I get redirected to http://localhost/wix/wp-login.php with the error message Error: The password you entered for the username ak is incorrect....
James's user avatar
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1 answer

Send clear password via mail

I need to send an email whenever a user is added or registers containing its clear password. I know it's a bad idea in terms of security but I need to do it for a private project. Any idea? Should I ...
demimontalto's user avatar
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Moving users from joomla to wordpress

Situation: I am tasked with creating a new site for a local newspaper. The current site is running on Joomla. The only functionality it has is a paid (paypal) user login to read PDF's of the new ...
Bucatini's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Force user to change their password on the frontend at the first login and password policy

I have 3 users roles on my platform with no access to the WordPress backoffice "external_user1" , "external_user2", "external_user3". I need to force every user with one of this roles to change his ...
Samuel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can i add password field into my wp registration form?

I would like to users can choose their own password on registration form and disable sending generated password email to them. Here it is my custom registration code: <form id="register-form" ...
Navid M's user avatar
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1 answer

Show MD5 Password in user section

Im trying to show the MD5 Password of the users as you see them in the database but in the users table as an extra column. I have previusly done with the ID like this: add_action( '...
Carlos Martínez Romero's user avatar
1 vote
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How to verify wp user password by sql query in wp? [closed]

I want to verify the user password without function only by the SQL query.
IT Guy appnweb's user avatar
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wordpress Account Management generate password missing on my laptop

The button to generate a new password is completely missing in my user accounts on my laptop. Wondering if this could be a security thing? I run a few wordpress accounts and it isn't showing in any of ...
Carol Verity's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can I allow password reset based on logins containing the @ character?

I'm working on a setup where user logins have to follow this format : login : [email protected] Even though Wordpress has no problem creating such accounts, it seems they don't play well with ...
mike23's user avatar
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How can I find users that didn't set a password?

Is it possible to find (and bulk delete) users that registered on my WordPress site but never set a password over their confirmation email?
Florian Walther's user avatar
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WP users cant reset password

I had users complains that they forgot their password, and after they changed and being accepted, when they try to login they get pass error. I tested it and i confirmed that the changed pass is not ...
user2016496's user avatar
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1 answer

Check for empty username or password on login

I'm building a custom login page for clients and wish to keep the wp-login page for site administrators. For checking for empty fields I'm using the code: function verify_user_pass($user, $username, ...
Diogo Bento's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Force user to change their password on first log in of site using shortcode

I'm working on a WP 4.9.8 and looking for a script to force users to change their password on their first viewing of the site. It's an enterprise website, users are added by import of a csv file with ...
user2898349's user avatar
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1 answer

Change page password every day (predictable password ;) )

I've got a WP page containing a survey. The survey will be accessed by different people everyday (for simplicity say everyday for the whole year). I would like to password protect it and the password ...
Rafał's user avatar
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Wordpress Password security related questions

Since i'm doing Wordpress hardening for a project and ran into some questions that I haven't found a good answer online. If anyone has had any experience with this kind of stuff or have any know-how ...
Peeter Sikk's user avatar
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Reset Password policy

Looking for to add reset password policy. Password specifications : 12 characters in length, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. I find a hooks for manage ...
Samuel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

password protected post policy

I'm looking for a way to add policy about POST password. Password specifications : 12 characters in length, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. Is ...
Samuel's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i login with user's password in Wordpress being an admin?

I have a Wordpress website with a membership system, the issue is that some of my users are having problems logging in and the website gets stuck as they say. When i try it with my account, it works ...
blugraphic's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Force to use STRONG users password and implement rule to prevent REUSE [closed]

I'm looking for a way to force using strong password when we create reset and change users password on WordPress backoffice. Password complexity must be at least 12 characters in length, and have at ...
Samuel's user avatar
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1 answer

Does Wordpress always create unique passwords?

As you know, Wordpress db has a wp_users table where there is a user_pass field. Is it possible that two or more different users have exactly the same user_pass value in that field?
3000's user avatar
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How do I transfer user passwords from one WordPress site to another?

Let me begin by saying I know this is generally advised against but I'm in a tough spot at work where this is essentially being demanded and to my understanding it's theoretically possible. I am ...
Dylan's user avatar
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How do I protect user_activation_key?

I was just looking the wp_users table and saw that user_activation_key is unprotected (not salted). What exactly is this column used for and how can I protect it?
timrosenthal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Best way to send users password?

I used a plugin called WP Import to import a mass amount of users to my website. I now want to be able for them to log in using those accounts. How am I able to send them their passwords or get them ...
Lewis Menelaws's user avatar
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1 answer

Force users to use password with specifications

I want my users to follow a selection of rules when they create their password. The users don't have the possibility to create a account. I make it for them. However I found that users regularly ...
Interactive's user avatar
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REST API: wp_get_current_user not working on second call

I am working on a multi-step registration process and I am having an issue right now. What I am trying to achieve is to have a first call sending the information needed for the user to register, so to ...
Balessan's user avatar
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OAuth 2 and saving the authenticated user

I have quite a peculiar scenario. I have one WordPress site (Site A) where I have a large amount of users that have registered and I use the s2member plugin to subscribe these members to allow access ...
Ash Thornton's user avatar
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Users set passwords but cannot login

I'm working on a WP-based site that requires creating accounts for users and sending them their password reset links by email so they can activate their accounts. After manually sending out all the ...
bikey77's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot login in Wordpress even after changing hash password in phpmyadmin

An hour ago I changed the password of my Head Admin user. But after this I was not able to login anymore. So I have tried to reset the password in PHPmyadmin with the md5 encoding and even with this ...
Robbert's user avatar
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Cannot set user passwords

In the admin panel, if I go to "Users -> Your Profile" I don't have the inputs to set the password. I can only generate it, but I want to set it by hand. Is that some kind of bug, or was this ...
user568021's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wordpress C# User Login

I have a very basic C# login system first i've work with localhost and basic databasebase username-password but now i want to connect my project to my website which is wordpress then i realize ...
Aytug's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

What techniques can a user employ to achieve a password rated "strong" in the WordPress password checker

I have strong passwords enforced for all my clients but I got some complaints recently as some users tried to change their password and gave up trying to achieve a strong rating. I was initially ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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Error when send reset password

I forget my Password in my site, So i go to this link to res And put my email and send it. I received an email, But without link to reset my ...
AbuKotsh's user avatar
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1 answer

Specific way to allow Wordpress users to view their current password? And edit it?

I know the built in user manager doesn't allow a user to see what her current pass is, just recover / reset it via email or write in a new one in the admin but I am looking for a plugin or other ...
bobkennedy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Importing Existing Users with Passwords

I have an existing legacy PHP site of 15000 users with base64 hashed passwords , I would like to import all these users into the new wordpress site with their passwords , What would be the best ...
Praveen's user avatar
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Making WordPress available while logged into another website

A bit of a tricky one this and I'm not sure the best way to proceed or even if there is way to proceed. We have a self-hosted, secure, members-only website running off Oracle and IIS. Members sign ...
Gareth Watson's user avatar
3 votes
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Show User Their Password

I've got a few automated scripts that run to notify users of certain updates to the application, etc... and for one in particular, I need to be able to display the users user_login and their password. ...
dcolumbus's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to block subscriber users to changing its password?

I want to disable changing password option for all my subscriber users. Is it possible by doing any code tweak or something using any plugin? If someone has any idea or plugin knowledge to do this ...
Frank's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to get a user with just the password field?

I tried doing something like this: $user = $wpdb->get_row(' SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->users . ' WHERE user_pass = "' . wp_hash_password('password') . '"' ); But the ...
Javier Villanueva's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Replacing the Wordpress password validation

I have a custom application with thousands of users who already have a password stored. I would like to set up a self hosted wordpress site to accompany that application and to use the usernames and ...
Steve Stedman's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to let user set password on registration

I´m working on a front end registration form adn have gotten as far as getting the standard registration form to work, but... I´d like to add the oportunity to let the user choose his/her own password....
Demilio's user avatar
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Convert user passwords to MD5?

I am in the process of migrating my site out of Wordpress and I need to filter the registration and/or login process so there is a separate database field that holds the user password in a hash that ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Migrating users from .com to .org?

I am in the process of migrating my blog from my address to a self-hosting (wordpress v3.1.2) address. Blog has migrated across nicely. Appears my users have also migrated across, but ...
jakc's user avatar
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how to use joomla password format in wordpress?

I need to import more than 1000 users from joomla to wordpress. I can do that with csv. My main concern are passwords. I did some googling and found out that it is possible to change wordpress ...
Märt Rang's user avatar