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How to use 2 different databases but share the same user in wordpress

I have 2 wordpress websites on the same server, one is and the other is each site has its own database, they have their own wp_content, each has its own file separately, but I ...
Mike's user avatar
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Change a subsite Admin role of a WordPress Multisite after 24 hours registering

change WordPress multisite users' role after registration. function woo_admin_to_editor($blog_id, $user_id) { switch_to_blog($blog_id); $user = new WP_User($user_id); if ($user->exists()) { $...
Raphael Oluwasanmi's user avatar
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Multisite Login Access Restrictions

I am building a multisite where users can sign up to create a subsite about there business. I would like to have them be able to login to the backend and edit there subsite but restrict them from ...
Daemon's user avatar
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can't create user without email for an author after converting single site to multisite

We're converting a single site to multisite, and in the process we're seeing something strange with users. Previously, we could create and update users to use as authors that don't have an email ...
Erich's user avatar
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How to use the same users table on multiple wordpress sites

I have 3 wordpress sites and I want users to be able to connect to all of them with the same account. The sites are currently in the same domain and everyone has a subdomain. I was wondering if there ...
George Viennas's user avatar
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Four columns in the wp_users table

I am writing custom code to allow users of my site delete their own accounts from the front-end (i.e., they do not have to logon to the WordPress admin area to perform certain actions, but rather I ...
Greeso's user avatar
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Easily adding multiple existing users to a multisite site

I manage a multisite network for a school. The sites are private (password protected), but users within the network should be allowed to access other sites as subscribers. (i.e. all students in a ...
q_andnot_u's user avatar
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How to implement data residency in my WordPress site

I am developing a WordPress multi-site with woo-commerce and subscription plugin. This site will be used in several country like Bangladesh, Australia, United States and Canada. But I want user’s data ...
Sajed Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
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In MultiSite, can some users automatically have Site Admin rights on all sites, without granting them Network Admin access?

We have some "content specialists" that we'd like to effectively grant Site Admin access to every site on our network automatically, but still don't want them to be able to access the network admin ...
MadtownLems's user avatar
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3 answers

Multisite - maximum number of users with specific role

Is there any plugin or script where i can use to define maximum number of users with a specific role on subsite in a multisite network? I'm offering cloud helpdesk wordpress and pricing is based on ...
Akram's user avatar
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Good way to block users within a multisite setup without deleting them?

This is probably a common problem with multiple possibilities to solve. However I am asking for an easy solution as I guess I am not the first one to have this problem. Assume we have a huge company ...
Blackbam's user avatar
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Wait ajax to complete before continue loop

I'm developing a code that searches for about 5000 orphaned users, and delete them. Using Ajax, how do I wait for a response to complete and then continue the loop? Currently, the loop will keep ...
sharulhafiz's user avatar
3 votes
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Why can't I delete original user in multisite? Options for manual removal

So, I've been trying to delete the original user for a multisite installation. After removing the super-admin privileges and setting another user to the network admin, I noticed that hitting the ...
dave's user avatar
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How to change user starting role in WordPress MultiSite?

I am using WordPress MultiSite. Where can I change user starting role? It does not show under Settings > General > New User Default Role.
Talha khan's user avatar
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Possible to have duplicate usernames on different two multisites

I have a multisite set up with two sites setup: With both sites, they are using the same custom theme which generates a default list of users (publisher01, ...
markb's user avatar
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How can I delete a user from entire multisite nework

I'm making a front-end user delete button but it only removes the user from the current installation and I need to remove them from the entire multisite network so they are able to sign up again with ...
Miguel Dey's user avatar
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Delete user from multisite when removed from subsite

I am using the multisite setup of wordpress. My subsites are managed my administrators of other organisations. Problem: When a user is deleted on a subsite by the administrator, its records still ...
Joris's user avatar
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Assign role to user on first login, if they are first (after admin)

I'm running a Wordpress Multisite. I want the first user to log into a new site to be assigned the Administrator role, so they can administer the other roles. The second user, and all users ...
setrole's user avatar
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Multisite - each site with it's own set of users

I'm looking for a way to separate user accounts per blog/sub-site. I concocted a plan to hook into login/registration process and append the blog_id to the username and email upon one of these actions....
steakoverflow's user avatar
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Subsite access without being a member of the subsite in wp multisite network

How can a user access a subsite without being the member of that subsite in a wp multisite network? What I understand is that a user can not access a private post in a subsite if he is not the ...
bakar's user avatar
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How can I copy all users to newly created site on a multisite network in Wordpress?

As when I create a new site on multisite wordpress network, then only admin user gets created. I want all users which are present on my first site to be present here too. I have tried several import ...
enigma's user avatar
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Modify new user email notification in network admin screen wp multisite

Can please teach me which function reference should I use to modify new user email notification in network admin screen -> add user. I want to use custom email template for notify user? it will ...
Muhammad Ibrahim's user avatar
2 votes
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Can you have multi-site WP and keep users separate?

I'm aware that multi-site exists but I've never used it. Could I use it in a type of reseller mode, where I ran one install of WordPress but provided completely separate sites for separate users? ...
AmbroseChapel's user avatar
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Users getting linked unwanted to main mu in WordPress multisite (WPMU)

Sometimes in WPMU a user from one of the networksites gets linked to the main mu as well. It seems to me like it is completely random and very rare so I cannot easily simulate this. It's easy to just ...
Maartje's user avatar
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Multisite - site user limited only for this site

In my installation I have 3 sites. I would like to have one user on each page and can login only on this site. However, default multisite behavior is different. The user assigned to site1 can also ...
Mainpage PL's user avatar
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Understanding State in WordPress Multisites

Here is my challenge. I have a plugin installed at the Network level. Its purpose is to add users and roles across the network based on the change in roles from a specific site on the network. Since ...
Brent's user avatar
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Multisite functions to communicate with individual site functions

I have a multisite plugin that operates at the network level. It's job is to assign additional roles to different sites across the network. For example, I have three sites. Library Course (LMS) CRM ...
Brent's user avatar
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Prevent user creating new users with specific roles

On a multisite installation I have created some custom roles. Some of them have the capabilities to create new users. I want to allow users to create new users only with allowed roles. One step is ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Combining user database tables while keeping all other data in seperate for multiple sites?

(Multisite is not an option here.) I have five separate WordPress installations, currently residing in 5 separate databases on the same server. My goal is to combine the users for all 5 sites into one ...
Brent's user avatar
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Can't activate a user on multisite install

So I have a user that I can't activate with the unconfirmed plugin manually. His user was created on all appropriate sites, but his account isn't listed as activated. The link in the activation email ...
Poodimizer's user avatar
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How to fix that new users show up again in subsite of a Multisite?

When I add a new user in multisite, the user is successfully displayed in multisite super admin environment. But when I go to the subsite where I want to add this user, the new added user doesn’t ...
jdaniel's user avatar
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Importing Posts into New Website with Same User ID's

I have to move a WP site into a multisite network as a subsite. This is the current structure: -> -> Currently, the site that I want to ...
wiredfordesign's user avatar
1 vote
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How to search users globally on a multisite install?

I'm using the REST API to create/update/delete users on a multisite install in order to sync data with a 3rd party resource. When I am checking whether to update or create a user, I'm using the search ...
ken.dunnington's user avatar
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Wordpress automatic Login on other page?

I have a littlee questions about Wordpress. If I have several sites on one Webserver and all pages use the same "user table" and "user meta table", can I make if one user login on site one and then ...
ocram's user avatar
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6 votes
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Wordpress Multisite - When a user signs-up on main site, how to add the user to a subsite

I am setting up a Wordpress multisite network, where users may subscribe to one or more services on the main site and may have access to content on subsite. The access on subsite will depend on the ...
nitigyan's user avatar
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Adding users to another blog

Good Morning... I want to make a snippet that when creating a user in a blog add it automatically to another blog (this number 1 always) with the same roll that was created. For this I am using this:...
Tuttopia Software's user avatar
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A different role for each site in a multisite

I am currently working on a multisite consisting of two sites and my second site contains custom roles. I would like that when the user registers on one of the two site, then the users are ...
JohnPoole's user avatar
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How to delete user from MU site when the user is removed from their site?

When an Administrator for a sub site removes a user from their sub site, I am trying to not only remove the user, but also completely delete them from the entire MU site. I have tried this: ...
whodeee's user avatar
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WordPress Multisite Add User

Have allowed users to register their own website and at the same time this adds them as a user to that site. However, is there a way to default them to a subscriber of the site they are signing up ...
CHEWX's user avatar
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Copy user role on multisite so the user can access subsites with same role

I have a multisite network set up with around 250 sites. I'd like to be able to copy users with their assigned role from the main site in the network to subsites. Here is how I attempted to do this: ...
Morgan's user avatar
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Unsure of my options, Multi-blog?

I'm looking to create a system where people can sign up and post content to my blog. A bit like each user having their own mini blog within my main one. The blog site is based on car projects that all ...
lil_bugga's user avatar
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delete_user_meta : how to delete all the metadata of a given user (witout SQL)

on a multisite I delete a user with: wpmu_delete_user($user_id); Fine, but unless I am confusing, it doesn't delete the metadata which may exist for this user... delete_user_meta() seems to be ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Integrating WordPress to my website, while keeping my own authentication system

I've recently integrated WordPress to my website and I've been trying to find out the correct way to replace Wordpress' authentication system with the one on my website. My website already has a user ...
apatik's user avatar
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Can I use multisite functions in a single-site installation?

I'm trying to display some statistics of my Wordpress site in the footer. One of these statistics is the amount of users that are signed up. There is a function called count_users() to display these ...
Swen's user avatar
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WordPress Multisite (Network) some site users added to main site users list as subscriber

We have installed WordPress Multisite (Network) and created some sites. On the main site admin > users, it displays some users from other sites listed as subscriber user. Please advice how this ...
Metalik's user avatar
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How does WordPress connect sites and the wp_users table?

I'm not clear how WordPress connects the wp_users table with the various sites under a Multisite. Say I have a site with blog_id = x then I would assume there's a wp_x_users table that contains the ...
Snowcrash's user avatar
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How to add edit users capability to a custom role?

Here is the code which I added to give 'edit_users' capability to a custom role. function edit_shop_manager() { // Get custom role $shop_manager = get_role('shop_manager'); $shop_manager-&...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Wordpress Multisite restict user access

I have a Wordpress Network with 3 sites. I want to know how can I restrict the user access in the subdomains. Actually, members of the principal site can login on the subdomains. Do you know if a ...
Nathan Meyer's user avatar
6 votes
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Network not displaying all sites and users

We have more than 10,000 users and blogs on our wordpress network. There are 2 problems: admin blogs listing wp-admin/network/sites.php only displays 1 page, no pagination, not displaying all blogs ...
Metalik's user avatar
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Create Custom Multisite User Role to Reduce Capabilities

I need to create a new role for my multisite install for our Technical Account Managers so that they are only able to create/edit/remove users and create/edit/remove sites. I'm pretty sure I've ...
Mikael Kessler's user avatar