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How to add a custom field to the comments "Quick Edit" screen?

How do you add a custom field to the comments "Quick Edit" screen? The code below only shows on the posts quick edit screen: function tips_quick_edit_fields( $column, $post_type ) { ?> ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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How can I change the location where the custom field is displayed in the Quick Edit tab in WordPress

That's my situation right now: I want to display my "Artist" custom field under the "Slug" field, with the same HTML structure. But how? Example: The following code may help: // ...
gusta's user avatar
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Custom Column in CPT admin table not updated after Quick Edit save

I have a CPT named company with custom fields url and partner. Custom column is shown properly with correct content in CPT admin table. Quick fields are also shown and properly populated for each row. ...
GeorgeP's user avatar
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Rows with custom columns not well formatted after Quick Edit save

I have a custom post type "promotion" made via code put on theme file functions.php. I also added some columns to custom post type list. They seems work fine, but if I Use the quick edit to update the ...
Zauker's user avatar
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open modal window

I am working on a site where HR employees are managing applicants for jobs. I'm currently trying to add a modal window on a custom admin dashboard that will let a user quickly change an applicant's ...
pork-chop's user avatar
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Why does this Quick Edit checkbox save the value only when unchecked?

I'm using the group of functions below to create a checkbox in the Quick Edit area of each post in the post listing at wp-admin/edit.php that saves a value to a custom field called headline_news. The ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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Why isn't my code to save custom fields in quick edit working?

I have some code that allows me to add custom fields to the quick edit and bulk edit sections of a custom post type. Here's what I'm using:
jkupczak's user avatar
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Edit custom fields in posts list

Is it possible to edit (or add) custom fields directly in posts list (/wp-admin/edit.php)? I need to do it quickly for many posts (1000s) so editing every and each of them would take ages to ...
Pupik's user avatar
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Decouple page name from page title

As far as I can see, the name of a page (in admin) is the same as the title for the page. In many cases you would want the page name to be something else to better grasp what it's about while ...
BoBoz's user avatar
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21 votes
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Show Custom Fields in Quick Edit

I have several custom fields that I need my client to be able to edit at anytime. For the sake of convenience, I'd like them to be able to edit these custom fields from the Quick Edit. This way they ...
jkupczak's user avatar
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How to get and edit custom fields if in Quick Edit

I've got some custom fields that I would like a user to be able to edit in Quick Edit, I can manage the columns but I'm unable to edit them if Quick Edit is clicked current code with custom fields I'd ...
erichmond's user avatar
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Retrieving values of custom fields in Quick Edit mode

I've been trying to add a field to Quick Edit. Somehow it works: it is displayed and if you enter a value in the input field, the value is saved into a custom field. However, can't seem to find a way ...
Elio's user avatar
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