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Questions tagged [quick-edit]

A button in the posts and in the pages admin page allows `quick-edit`, meaning the abiliity to change some of the post/page's metadata, without loading the whole post in the edit screen.

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how do I display Quick Edit box on a custom plugin page with a list of posts?

I have put together a simple plugin that connects to Google Analytics API to display a list of popular posts from a year ago in wp-admin. I would like to display the Quick Edit box for each post to ...
Natalia's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove the author field from bulk/quick edit form?

The goal here is to be able to use add_post_type_support('product','author'); or any other post_type without adding the author field in bulk/quick edit form. How to remove the author field from bulk/...
RafaSashi's user avatar
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How to add a custom field to the comments "Quick Edit" screen?

How do you add a custom field to the comments "Quick Edit" screen? The code below only shows on the posts quick edit screen: function tips_quick_edit_fields( $column, $post_type ) { ?> ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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How can I change the location where the custom field is displayed in the Quick Edit tab in WordPress

That's my situation right now: I want to display my "Artist" custom field under the "Slug" field, with the same HTML structure. But how? Example: The following code may help: // ...
gusta's user avatar
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Add ACF Quick Edit Columns on Comments

I'm using ACF to add a custom field to all comments. It's an optional checkbox with categories that the commenter can use to categorize their comment, which we use for filtering later on. From within ...
patricko's user avatar
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Why do my quick edits for custom taxonomies not show on the post frontend?

So I have created a couple of custom taxonomies and to save time I used the quick edit to apply taxonomy terms to posts. The problem is these changes don't show on the frontend. When I go in to edit ...
Ibrarr Khan's user avatar
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How to use TinyMCE in the quick edit form?

I'm trying to make the description of a post editable - specifically the description of a WooCommerce product, but the issue should apply to any post type. I managed to implement it with a simple ...
kolli's user avatar
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woocommerce_product_quick_edit_save hook not fired

I´m trying to add custom fields in the quick edit of woocommerce product. I managed to show fields and populate with jquery but I don´t manage to save data updated. add_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box',...
J.BizMai's user avatar
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Custom Column in CPT admin table not updated after Quick Edit save

I have a CPT named company with custom fields url and partner. Custom column is shown properly with correct content in CPT admin table. Quick fields are also shown and properly populated for each row. ...
GeorgeP's user avatar
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admin quick edit existing column in posts

I've been searching for this and all I found was for new columns to I have a column named Views which shows the number of views the post has. The column name in admin is tie_post_views ...
Nath's user avatar
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Rows with custom columns not well formatted after Quick Edit save

I have a custom post type "promotion" made via code put on theme file functions.php. I also added some columns to custom post type list. They seems work fine, but if I Use the quick edit to update the ...
Zauker's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add a custom field to quick edit

How can I add a new column to quick edit and put a custom field in it? I read this question but one of the links lead to an error 404. I need a new column for my custom meta key, "summary" and post ...
Gusto's user avatar
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Action 'save_post' not working for quick edit

I have read other answers to similar questions but none of them solved my problem. This code works great in Editor but on Quick Edit or Bulk Edit it does not appear to fire at all. What am I doing ...
Shane's user avatar
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open modal window

I am working on a site where HR employees are managing applicants for jobs. I'm currently trying to add a modal window on a custom admin dashboard that will let a user quickly change an applicant's ...
pork-chop's user avatar
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Undefined variable post_id in custom quick edit coloumn

I am trying to add a custom coloumn to post quick edit and everything is almost working. Custom meta is saved and passed but if I click on quick edit the preview is blank. This is the error it gives ...
Downloadtaky's user avatar
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Add "Excerpt" in "Quick edit"

I have many posts in which I want to edit the excerpt. But instead of having to got to the edit page, I would want to do it with the "Quick Edit" feature. How can I add the excerpt in the Quick Edit ...
jnrmy's user avatar
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disable quickedit for specific custom post type user role

I seem to be missing something fundamental somehow ('ll try and keep it short but can provide more code if needs be of course ) I have registered a CPT with following arguments 'capability_type' =&...
Olly's user avatar
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Opening file, editing, save, exit, open, edited version opens?

How would you go about editing a file that you have inserted in a page on your website, saving it then exiting the file after editing then opening it up again with the editing that I have done before ...
Eden's user avatar
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Use jQuery to conditionally hide elements in Quick Edit

I would like to use jQuery to conditionally hide some taxonomies from the quick edit box, based upon the checkbox status of another taxonomy. I have a WooCommerce import store. The products fall into ...
Jeff Cleverley's user avatar
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Display comment meta data after quick update

I have few custom comment field - phone, stored as comment meta. On comments edit page (edit-comments.php) I display this value in custom column. I also display these values on post edit page (post....
anton's user avatar
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How to add UI buttons in customizer like twentyseventeen

So its been days since i've been looking into this and still found zero clue as to how to do it in my own custom theme. I've also had a look at this, but nothing. I had a look at the customizer of ...
bagpipper's user avatar
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Why does this Quick Edit checkbox save the value only when unchecked?

I'm using the group of functions below to create a checkbox in the Quick Edit area of each post in the post listing at wp-admin/edit.php that saves a value to a custom field called headline_news. The ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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Custom title set on quick edit

I have set up a custom post type without title support and have added a code for the title to be automatically populated from custom fields. This works great when creating or updating a post on the ...
kida's user avatar
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Anchor removed from DIV after Quick Edit is used

We have a page we normally edit in basic edit mode. There are a group of DIVs with link tags on them. When a non-technical editor/staffer goes into quick-edit mode for that page, the links are removed ...
Malocchio's user avatar
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How to unset fields in woocommerce product quick edit?

How to unset\hide fields in woocommerce product quick edit, like tags, date, etc without modifying woocommerce plugin core?
WaNgeL's user avatar
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Update database from Quick Edit according to Checkbox state of Custom Post Type

I'm hoping to get some help in getting a checkbox in the Quick Edit of custom post type to work properly. It is intended to determine whether a product is featured on the front page of the site. Post ...
Line One's user avatar
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WP_Terms_List_Table Quick Edit not working

I have built a custom taxonomy for which I have built a custom page that lists the terms associated with it. Everything seems to be working fine so far except the Quick Edit, which simply does nothing....
Dacramash's user avatar
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Why isn't my code to save custom fields in quick edit working?

I have some code that allows me to add custom fields to the quick edit and bulk edit sections of a custom post type. Here's what I'm using:
jkupczak's user avatar
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Edit custom fields in posts list

Is it possible to edit (or add) custom fields directly in posts list (/wp-admin/edit.php)? I need to do it quickly for many posts (1000s) so editing every and each of them would take ages to ...
Pupik's user avatar
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Problems with taxonomy quick edit box

i've some problem with customization of quick edit box in a custom taxonomy page. This is my code: function lnw_quick_edit_custom_box($column_name, $screen, $name) { if ( $screen !== 'edit-tags' ) ...
Danilo Di Leo's user avatar
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Get post meta inline edit WordPress

I've noticed that /wp-admin/js/inline-edit-post.js is used to retrieved the state of input in quick edit mode. For example the following code : jQuery(function() { if ( typeof mpIds !== '...
JMau's user avatar
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Get the selected posts IDs to use in bulk edit AJAX call

The WordPress codex for bulk_edit_custom_box, along with this bulk edit example use the following piece of JavaScript to create an array of selected post IDs to send with the AJAX call that updates ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to manage saving custom field from Quick edit and Post Save using save_post action hook without colliding each other?

I's following Rachel Carden's tutorial on creating Quick Edit and Bulk Edit, and grabbed her full work from her github repo. I managed doing everything fine and I made a checkbox instead of radio ...
Mayeenul Islam's user avatar
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edit_post_link returns blank

I'm using edit_post_link in The Loop and the function keeps returning the $before and $after arguments with blank content. <?php edit_post_link('edit', '<p>', '</p>'); ?> returns &...
b3asts's user avatar
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Trying to create an edit page link?

Using a plugin and have created a page that offers more fields in a spreadsheet format. To add these extra fields you simply click edit on the row you want to edit.... Now when I am in the plugins ...
STing's user avatar
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How to hook into the quick edit action?

I found this solution to automatically assign parent terms when a child term is selected, which is working fine for the save_post hook: add_action('save_post', 'assign_parent_terms'); function ...
Traveler's user avatar
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How to get post bulk edit action trigger and get edited post ids?

I want to send email if a postmeta of a post is changed to the expected value.So previously i was doing loop to check the post meta in each post. In here am running the loop in admin_init hook. But ...
sun's user avatar
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Add 'Description' to taxonomy 'Quick Edit'

This seems fairly straight forward, but I cannot find a definite guide on how to add the taxonomy description field to the quick edit box. I've followed several tutorials on adding fields to the ...
Roc's user avatar
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post_row_actions filter is not working while update post using quick edit

I have created two links using post_row_actions, it was displaying fine when page loads. But the links will get disappear after update post using quick-edit. Is it a bug from WordPress or did I miss ...
Dipu R's user avatar
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How to add custom status to quick edit

I have added some custom post status to WordPress, I can able display in New and Edit interfaces of POST. I would like to display those to quick edit too. Also I need to apply some condition to ...
Dipu R's user avatar
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Adminbar Missing "Edit Page"

I'm encountering a problem that involves that my Admin bar doesn't show the "Edit Page" on pages I visit on my site. Instead for some odd reason it show "Edit Category" instead on supposed page. Does ...
Alexandros Christophoros Parat's user avatar
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Adding custom fields to the Quick Edit screen - puzzled about the column concept

We've been told that: The quick_edit_custom_box action hook will not fire unless there are custom columns present. (Source^) If so, then adding a custom field edit functionality to the Quick Edit ...
Mayeenul Islam's user avatar
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How to edit wordpress post without republishing

Is there a way to update an older post without republishing the post? If I am looking at a previously published post and discover a misplaced comma or reformat an image I don't need all my RSS and ...
Rose McAvoy's user avatar
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Add Media + Quick Edit buttons not working

I just upgraded to Wordpress 3.6.1 and I have an issue, for the default twenty-twelve theme the add media and quick edit buttons work okay but when I created my own custom theme those buttons stopped ...
GolDRoger's user avatar
7 votes
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How to get current post ID in quick edit callback

This question is related to another previously asked question, which is a follow up on an answer. Task As I want to extend QuickEdit to be something really awesome (and more than just quick edit), I ...
kaiser's user avatar
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Add quick edit fields without custom colum

This question is a follow up on that answer I wrote. Let's say I want to add something to the quick edit box for the Posts post type list table. To do so, I have to add a custom column because of the ...
kaiser's user avatar
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Decouple page name from page title

As far as I can see, the name of a page (in admin) is the same as the title for the page. In many cases you would want the page name to be something else to better grasp what it's about while ...
BoBoz's user avatar
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where does this $post_id come from?

I was trying to figure out why save_post wasn't being fired upon 'Quick edit', and found the solution here - apparently global $post is not available when updating a post in Quick edit mode. So - I ...
ptriek's user avatar
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How to add a "publish" link to the quick actions

I'm trying to add a "Publish" link by the quick actions: but I'm not exactly sure of how implement it. Here's what I've got so far: add_filter('post_row_actions', function ( $actions ) { global ...
MegaHit's user avatar
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How to make all the posts commentable by default? Imputs in Settings/Discussions are not saved

I've modified my website quite a bit and now looks almost as I desire. I've set all the posts to be commentable in Settings/Discussions but it seems that this imput is not saved and new posts by ...
user27309's user avatar
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