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2 answers

How To Ignore a Filter On Applying Filter the Content In a Function

I am having a filter for the content that adds a Table of Contents at the top of my posts. I took the basic idea from an answer at Stack Exchange itself. I add the filter as follows: add_filter('...
Aditya Agarwal's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Next and Previous Pagination button not displaying in WordPress

I have more than 15 posts and I am displaying only 6 per page load and remaining will display after the click on the pagination but the issue is I am not getting my pagination. I am using below code ...
Naren Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Dynamic HTML not displaying at respective place

Dynamic HTML not displaying at respective place I have a created shortcode in function.php and my code is, function Post_home(){ $data='<div class="cp-seeWrapper"><div class="container">&...
Naren Verma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to get a shortcode generated by a plugin, then, using a function, create a new post using that shortcode?

I am planning to purchase a plugin that allows users to create polls and then embed them via shortcode into posts. It looks like a great plugin all around; however, the functionality I would like is ...
madison's user avatar
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How to display single arbitrary facebook post with a shortcode?

Does anyone know of a plugin that can show a single recent Facebook post with a shortcode that works something like this: [fb-recent post="0"] [fb-recent post="1"] where post="0" refers to the most ...
Curious One's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use shortcode of any plugin to show it visually where i want?

I don't know much about shortcode. I have a countdown plugin with this plugin i'm displaying 'countdown timer', i can post it with shortcode E.g [countdown event="Event with hour &amp; minutes" ...
user3077045's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to add TAB character to post?

I am using the CodeColorer plugin to display source code in my WordPress. I am trying to have my code indented so that it displays properly on the website. However, when I try to add the following ...
SameOldNick's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Shortcode returning specific content of a post

I'm currently building a plugin to display specific part of post after accepting verification code. Can a shortcode return a part of a post? I mean: Bla bla bla [shortcode postID="100"] Special bla ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

Embedding BitBucket Code in Posting

I want to embed my code at BitBucket in wp post, anyone can suggest me, a good plugin or anytrick to do it?
Eko Kurniawan Khannedy's user avatar