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2 answers

wp_nav_menu doesn't generate parent/ancestor classes

I don't know why the proper classes for menu item are not generated - all the elements in the tree which has subtree get only menu-item menu-item-type-post_type. The elements, which don't have ...
chodorowicz's user avatar
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Hide Login information in Account settings in Buddy Boss

First time working with Buddy Boss. I managed to customize the navigation items on the profile page, but I can't find a solution for the Account settings page. What I'm trying to achieve is to hide/...
Barnee's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Shortcodes in WP-Menus in WP 3.1 (via nav_menu_objects)?

I've found this new plugin that is using a new 3.1 hook (wp_nav_menu_objects) to remove specific nav-menu-items from the ...
youngmicroserf's user avatar
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3 answers

Multiple menu items highlighted

I am using WordPress as the CMS for my website. For my navigation menu, I am using WordPress' inbuilt navigation menu function. You add categories, page, etc, to this and it generates a list with ...
Angus's user avatar
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Position a hard-coded menu item

I used a piece of code I found here in wordpress.stackexchange to add a custom link to my menu/nav. I adapted to my needs and it works great. The problem is it adds the link in the first position in ...
user3196758's user avatar
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Programmatically (PHP) get the nr. of items in the primary navigation menu

I need to get the nr. of items in the primary navigation menu. I need this to determine the width in percentage of each list item. So I also need to change/add to the css width attribute of the list ...
Mikey's user avatar
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Add clickable arrows to parent menu items with children elements e.g. with <em>

I am currently working on a website with a custom theme where the following behaviour should be possible for the mobile version: The navigation can be opened via a hamburger button. Then all parent ...
lunian's user avatar
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2 answers

How to wrap the list with custom class using wp_nav_menu?

I want to display 4 column footer menu. but when I add new menu the wp_nav_menu create a < li > and add every menu items to it. now, how can I wrap every li element with a custom div tag with a ...
Jai Shankar's user avatar
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Help with walker for nav

For some reason, this walker won't work when I pass in 'echo ' => 0, it always prints the nav, and never returns the nav as a var. I can't seem to figure out where it's by passing that in wordpress....
Scott Phillips's user avatar
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2 answers

Using my WordPress menu on another platform

I have a WordPress site and am adding a Shopify-hosted e-commerce section which will be hosted on their servers and accessible via a subdomain. Is there any way to mirror the WordPress Navigation for ...
binaryorganic's user avatar
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1 answer

Using _s theme, menu changes do not affect header menu

I'm using the _s theme and seeing the header menu point to 'Home' and 'Sample page'. in functions.php, we have register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => __( 'Primary Menu', 'mytheme' ), '...
Peteris's user avatar
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1 answer

Extend walker - navigation, adding data attribute to a tag

I would a data attribute to the a tag in the menu, like have <a href="#example" data-attribute="attribute">CLICK</a> I know that I have to extend the Walker BUT I tried in several times ...
dborghez's user avatar
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Sticky menu for WP custom menubars

This seems simple, except that I am not able to figure it out. In a wordpress theme, how can I make a custom menubar below the header image stick at the top after scrolling down the page? Example ...
draco678's user avatar
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4 answers

How to add active state to the navigation links?

I am trying to add active states for my custom menu navigation, but so far everything I try is just not working. I have set the navigation menu in a separate file nav.php, then I included the nav.php ...
Steven Donea's user avatar
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How would I make a function to dynamically determine if user is logged to change navigation menu text?

I would like to create a function to determine if a user is logged in or logged out. If the user is logged in I would like the navigation menu text to say "My Account" (this is what it currently ...
Matt's user avatar
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Custom menu not showing even though it shows as being registered?

I'm running into a really weird problem. Some quick background: I cloned this workflow from one I've been using before but just updated everything including node packages and the gulp functions and ...
Jan's user avatar
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Current menu item highlights wrong

The menu is with different types of links equipped. The first is a link to a subsite. The other is with to an anchor link. The problem is that the anchorlink is highlighted on the homesite. If I don't ...
hendrik-eg's user avatar
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3 answers

remove or hide Link Relationship (XFN) form Menus tab

I'm looking for how hide or remove Link Relationship (XFN) from Menus tab (In red on the picture below)
Samuel's user avatar
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removing extra mobile menu from the header

I have installed burger theme and modified some template files to my needs. when I came to header, I decided to go with a simple bootstrap navigation bar, that doesn't require an extra menu. I took an ...
Anton Kastritskiy's user avatar