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Customized Blog/Latest Posts Page

This question is sparked by some issues I'm running into using Elementor, but it's not an Elementor-only question. I'm trying to create a customized static blog page/latest posts page. I currently ...
Mark Olbert's user avatar
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Work flow for multiple developers

I'm looking to streamline the development work flow for a new project that will have multiple developers involved (backend and frontend). My biggest quandary is how best to make sure all devs have ...
Mr Pablo's user avatar
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Where do I add my own configuration needs and how do I access them?

Somehow despite having been developing web sites since the late 90's I'm only now working on my first WordPress site. And I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the organization of WordPress and ...
roufamatic's user avatar
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Subdomain and subdirectories together in one installation

I'm currently want to develop my design company website and choosing wordpress as my CMS. How do I should install the wordpress when I want the domain structure like this: Blog = ...
yudayyy's user avatar
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Making a configurable field translatable

I'm working on a theme right now that gives the admin the possibility to set different texts that are used within the theme, by configuring them in the admin panel (e.g. the text that is displayed, ...
René's user avatar
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How do you set the default page in WordPress?

Assuming I have a page with the URL that I want to set as the default, what do I need to do so that when a user types in just they see that ...
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how to server over http and https with one installation

is there an easy way to set up a single wordpress intallation to serve its pages both over http and https? I have an http based website, and I have some pages that I would like to make accessible as ...
Akasha's user avatar
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"WordPress installations is currently out of date" problem with difficult situation [closed]

[NOTE] I had asked this question in's support forum one month ago. But I didn't get any feedback there. And I am not sure whether or not this is right place to ask this question. But I ...
gtiwari333's user avatar
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Putting main WordPress blog under a different folder name

I want to use WordPress primarily as a static page CMS for a small business site. I want to use the "pages" feature for most of the pages on the site, except for a news blog, for which I want to use ...
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6 votes
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How do I transition multiple installations to a single Multisite installation?

I have a client who runs 8 different blogs, currently on 8 separate installations of WordPress. I'm trying to encourage them to move to a single MS installation instead to make it easier (mostly on ...
EAMann's user avatar
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