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Questions tagged [author]

'Author' in the WP context can refer to two different things: the person who has written a certain post/page or the role a user has.

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Editorial Process

Now I've never really used Wordpress with more than one author and it's usually been myself so I've followed no editorial process, but with my new site, I'm looking to add a handful of users to the ...
LiamGu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display posts by current user/author in a custom page template?

I am a trying to create a dashboard like custom page template that list post of of the current logged in user. I've tried to find a solution on the net. but none were appropriate's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How To Remove The Author(s) From Certain Posts

There are certain posts on the website I'm developing, that don't need the author(s) by-line. (such as press releases) Is there any method, that allows me to remove the author (and co-authors) for ...
Ademos's user avatar
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1 answer

get the username of a user in his author page

I've implemented this code inside my author.php file, in order to display the username of the author: <?php printf( "<h4>The blog of<a href='" . get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( ...
Job78's user avatar
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Display the number of user comments

I would like to display, on the author/user/contributor page, the number of comments the user has posted, and the number of comments he has received on his posts. Is it possible? Thank you !
Job78's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress: How to get the current logged in author page URL?

Is there a way to display, via a PHP function, the author posts link ( of the current logged in user ? In fact, I would like to display, for every logged in user, a "My ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Restrict user role Author from viewing comments in admin interface

I want to add an user as an Author to my blog, so that he can publish posts. But i don't want him to be able to view all the (unapproved) comments in the admin interface. Is there any code snippet / ...
Lamnk's user avatar
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2 answers

What are 'authors' in Wordpress, and is there an author 'metabox class' available anywhere?

I am trying to outline a new project where I want to give my users the ability to customize their 'profile' pages in my website theme. Concepts like adding in their own background images, choosing ...
shawn's user avatar
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2 answers

Author Page - List of categories plus number of posts in that category

On my author page I currently have a list of categories the author has posted in generated by the following code: <?php $categories = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT DISTINCT(terms.term_id) as ...
Probocop's user avatar
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1 answer

wordpress multi user question

The blog I'm implementing will have more than one user (different analysts) but there will be only one user (call it the publisher user) who will be checking through the posts and uploading them for ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Editing the loop for Author pages

I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I am looking to remove the_content part of the loop on my author pages only. So basically, I just want a list of the author posts with only the title and ...
kdub's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How can HTML be allowed in Author Bio?

Is there a way to prevent WP from stripping the HTML from the author bio? I need it to keep my paragraphs. Thanks in advance! :) Edit - Although this question has been answered, I will clarify that ...
5t3ph's user avatar
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Add author section on Author archive posts

I was looking at the section where you click on the author name on the homepage posts. and it says the Archive posts from xxxx authors so I thought of that while ago I found that some website has ...
Ali's user avatar
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3 answers

Display posts differently depending on which author wrote it

I've got a multi-author site running on Wordpress 3.1.3 . I'm trying to place an extra header above the title for a specific author. So if "John" posts on the blog, it would have an above the post ...
John Sheridan's user avatar
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how to assign more permission to wordpress author

I have installed jw player plugin so that users of my site could upload their videos. Right now, admin can only see jw player menu on the admin panel and he can only upload videos and use this plugin. ...
aamir's user avatar
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Find most recent authors

What I'm looking to do it get the 16 latest posts from 16 different authors. In other words there would be the 16 latest posts, but no one single author would have more that 1 post on the page. The ...
pete_schuster's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How Can I Set the Post Author of a Post I Just Created With PHP?

I'm using PHP to dynamically create a custom post, and I need the author to be someone other than the logged in user. I found this
dwenaus's user avatar
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Transferring author information from a custom field to a proper author

A WordPress site I'm doing a redesign for has around 1.400 posts by approximately 30 different authors. Unfortunately the authors of the posts have so far been entered as a custom field within the ...
Squrler's user avatar
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Creating an option for writing a post without an author attribution for a group blog on Wordpress

I'm developing a group blog on wordpress (first time working with it) and the client has requested that a 'None' option be added where an item can be posted without a "by" attribution. So basically ...
tks's user avatar
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Users roles, make a page belonging to multiple users

I have a website with a lot of users. They are all editor (with same custom roles). They can add page and post, and edit only their own page/post. But some users need the ability to edit some ...
Joeyjoejoe's user avatar
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Getting $curauth->ID to work inside a shortcode

Im wanting to show a profile/logo pic on author.php via a simple shortcode: function wpaluploader_showauthorimage() { $wpaluploader_authorlogo = '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('url'). '/wp-content/...
MartinJJ's user avatar
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Recent comments on author page?

I'm creating an author.php page and I'd like to show comments as well as posts from a custom post type. I already have the list of posts but I'm looking into an efficient way of displaying the most ...
FLX's user avatar
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Can I stop authors from changing the font in their post?

I want the site to have a consistent look and feel so want to prevent authors from changing font, font color or font size. Is there a way to either override their choices, or remove the option? ...
Julian's user avatar
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Adding more pages to author pages

At the moment I have the following code for changing the author_base slug. /** ADD REWRITE RULES **/ function change_author_permalinks() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->author_base = '...
EddyR's user avatar
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Restrict the Number of Posts an Author can Publish (over time)?

I'm thinking maybe limit the number of posts a user can make in a given period of time. (Say a user can only publish 1 post per 5 minutes?) Is there such a plugin?
Can't Tell's user avatar
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If Else Gravatar Author Picture

Ok so i have added a custom field inside of the WordPress edit profile field where a contributor and above can add a custom image if they do not use gravatar. Now i am trying to write a if else ...
xLRDxREVENGEx's user avatar
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Author website URL

I've assigned a specific html page (let's call it an author bio page) to each user in the 'website' field within the user admin area. How do I get that URL to display within a single page post? I'm ...
mktggirl's user avatar
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How to: Retrieve an attachment image from post and output it

If anyone can help me I would be gratefull! I got a gravity form with the post_type fields including the submit image when submited it displays the: title content image tags So my question is: ...
jimilesku's user avatar
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Paginate Author's Post List on Custom Author Page (ANOTHER THEORY)

Here's another story for my Custom Pagination on Custom Author's Page. What I want to happen there is display the Author's avatar, description, website, and some additional fields, and of course list ...
Ven's user avatar
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1 answer

Author page doesn't change after username change [duplicate]

I changed my user profile name with WP-Optimize from 'admin' to 'indie' (not really 'indie', just to show you better) but author page still is available only trough - not ...
Maxim Zubarev's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to let contributors to create a new revision(draft) editing their published posts

I'm using a custom post type to let contributors have a personal page on the site. Any time a user registers on my site a script creates a custom type post that has the registering user as the author....
bluantinoo's user avatar
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Show info to author only

I'm writing my own plugin. works like this: function myfunc (){ $a = 'hello'; // the sentence what Am looking for: if ( user is logged and is the author of current post / page ){ ...
greenbandit's user avatar
7 votes
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How to display a public profile page for registered users with custom slug?

I have a website where users can register, login and their edit profile, they can comment but not post. What I am looking for is a way to display a user profile page (where I display the gravatar and ...
Andycap's user avatar
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Show Published and Draft posts from Logged in Author

Hello there that's what i'm trying to achieve: i have a private page, where only author can access, after log in. i want to show two columns: 1 - excerpts of the latest 8 posts published by the logged ...
baaal's user avatar
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Adding %author% in custom post type URL structure?

I'm trying to do some WordPress URL rewriting ... Specifically I have custom post type that currently works like this: But I would like to have it located at: ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to implement friend system for Wordpress?

At the moment my users posts are only viewable to them. I would like to implement a system where they can choose to share any post with other users they know. The problem I'm having is, how do I make ...
Holidaymaine's user avatar
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Stomping WP_Query in author archive to facilitate pagination with custom queries

I am using get_posts and get_comments to build several loops on the page, at which I am having some issues in pagination. I have the global posts per page option (Settings > Reading) set to 10, and ...
Ashfame's user avatar
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wp_title() handling of author page

Why doesn't wp_title() display the author's name on an author archive as it does for a category or date archive? How can I hack this functionality? header.php calls: <title><?php wp_title ( ...
two7s_clash's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Prevent Authors from viewing each others Posts

I am setting up a site where there will be multiple users as Author, the owner doesn't want the authors to be able to view each others posts, since there are some meta fields with information he'd ...
Chuck's user avatar
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How to hide/redirect the author page

I have a website where I let people subscribe. I would like to only show the author page for actual authors who have written a post. I wrote this code that checks for post the problem is I can't use a ...
Brooke.'s user avatar
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How to get post author name by its ID inside a function?

i'm trying to get the author name using the "the_author_meta" function. After doing that I need to pass the value inside an array and return that with "json_encode". Let me show: $autor_id = $post-&...
Vitor Argos's user avatar
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I have two problems ( SEO )

how are you ? In my website I want to make the author's page and category(slug of it is country) to be in google reslut .. like this : , but when I search in ...
AboSami's user avatar
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3 answers

Change author permalink

The original urls for users look like /author/login/ Is it possible to replace login by user's id? In my dream urls should become to /users/34/ (34 is user id). Thanks.
ilovewordpress's user avatar
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How to check current URL for endpoint in a template file?

What's the best way to check current url for endpoint in a template file? I have a plugin that creates endpoints in author.php... so now i'm trying to check in author.php so that only certain code is ...
OneFishTaco's user avatar
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How to create rewrite endpoints it in author.php?

i'm trying to separate categories/subcategories in author.php so they each have their own endpoint link. It's very similar to this question BUT for the life of me I can't enable the plugin provided: ...
OneFishTaco's user avatar
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Breadcrumbs - get the author?

I have my own function called breadcrumbs(). In it I call is_author() to determine whether I am on an author page. If true I would like to know which author's page I am on. I tried the_author(), but ...
mrtsherman's user avatar
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get author of published post

I am using the publish_post action to run some checks on a user after their post is published: $author_ID = ???? add_action('publish_post', 'rhb_check_current_user', 10, $author_ID); How can I get ...
idea's user avatar
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3 answers

Authors list Pagination?

WordPress has a built in function to display a list of all of your site’s authors. But there is no option to display their avatars, so all you really get is a text list that links to the author’s page,...
Branko's user avatar
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Custom Author Loop

Essentially what I'd like to do is have the same effect as the wp_list_authors tag, but instead of just listing the name or their post count, I want to be able to do a loop with the IDs. Ultimately I'...
pete_schuster's user avatar
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Custom Post Type and Labels

I was wondering if there is a way to edit the default field labels on a custom post, for example instead of the author field saying "author" have it say "keynote speaker" I found one solution listed ...
pete_schuster's user avatar