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How to customize WP_Error (REST JWT authentication plugin) [closed]

🔖 Background & Environment WordPress 6.6.2 JWT Authentication plugin 1.3.4 Php 8.3 I'm using the recommended plugin JWT authentication for WP REST API, to authenticate my users. Asking /wp-...
Adrien Villalonga's user avatar
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Custom signup redirection to external URL not working

I am using User Registration plugin to register my users. I have created a widget to show a modal with Signup and Login form. I have one more API where the user gets created from this same form. So I ...
nazmul shuvo's user avatar
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regsiter a new user through WordPress API with Google SSO doesn't work properly

I have a code that sends a Google's user data from NodeJS to WordPress and I can see the email registered but first of all it doesn't do auto-login and doesn't set a Name so I just see the email who ...
Mostafa Ezzat's user avatar
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Authenticate + Authorize WP REST API request before built-in WP JSON Schema Payload Validation?

Suppose you register the following endpoint in your application on register_rest_route( 'sample/v1', '/test', [ [ 'methods' => 'POST', ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Decode and Decrypt Azure B2C OpenID Authorization Token, Use Response in API Call (Example Token Within)

I have been provided with a working Azure AD B2C application, and my goal is to use it to facilitate a means of access control to particular content. Using that application URL, a successful login/...
bleedsblue2190's user avatar
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Hooking into 'authenticate' causes login to submit on page load

I added a filter for the 'autnenticate' hook to apply some additional login verification, but if I change the filter priority to 20, the filter seems to be firing on wp-login page load even if the ...
Victor's user avatar
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Force REST API Authentication for each request method

WordPress end points default rules, GET ----> PUBLIC POST, PUT, DELETE ----> AUTH How can I force authentication the WordPress REST API GET method requests?
km onur's user avatar
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Prevent redirect to wp-login.php

So I have made a separate login page for my Wordpress site. When I log in I just go to the home page like how I want it to. But when I click forgot password and fill in my mail it redirects to wp-...
Asta's user avatar
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WordPress “Link has expired” error on updating posts

I'm maintaining a WordPress site on GoDaddy for a client and they started to get the "this link has expired error" when they saved a post. It does not happen when I upload a file. However, I am ...
Josh's user avatar
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Login to wordpress by clicking a link and specifying usernaname and password in url

I'm running a php application on an ubuntu server that's completely independent of my wordpress site. I'm using an iFrame of the server inside the wordpress site, but I need to login to Wordpress with ...
Christian's user avatar
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Error when requesting password reset email - wp authentication

I get the following error whenever a user tries to request a password reset email: The e-mail could not be sent. Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. As per ...
timshutes's user avatar
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Cannot access empty property error in Advanced Access Manager

As explained in the reply of this post by the Advanced Access Manager's author I've changed the current getCurrentUserRole function in the path /wp-content/plugins/advanced_access_manager/module with ...
rfc1484's user avatar
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