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How to customize WP_Error (REST JWT authentication plugin) [closed]

🔖 Background & Environment WordPress 6.6.2 JWT Authentication plugin 1.3.4 Php 8.3 I'm using the recommended plugin JWT authentication for WP REST API, to authenticate my users. Asking /wp-...
1 vote
1 answer

What's hook to use immediately after a user is authentcated [duplicate]

Does anyone know the add_action() hook to use immediately after a user is successfully authenticated. Hook Test based on @mmm's answer I ran this test from my mu-plugins.php file: function ...
0 votes
1 answer

Reloading page with a query string upon login for admins

After users with specific roles log in, I would like to reload the current page with a query string added (to trigger a message via JavaScript). How can this be improved? function ...
1 vote
2 answers

add action which returns modified value

I want to modify submited password in wp_logon wp_authenticate action. When authenticating, I want to grab submited password, modify it, and pass back to wp_logon So here is an action ...
4 votes
2 answers

How can I log a user out of Wordpress before the page loads?

I would am using the code below so that on my wordpress site if ?logout is appended to the end of the URL the user will be logged out. This works well - if the user visits a page such as