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1 answer

Two related taxonomies. how to filter terms in second taxonomy depending on selected term in first taxonomy on Post edit page?

I have two custom taxonomies on the site - Countries and Cities. The Country taxonomy contains over 200 terms, and the Cities taxonomy contains over 47,000 terms. Naturally, editing content with ...
Toologic's user avatar
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1 answer

How to modify the output of wp_terms_checklist when used within the built-in category metabox on edit posts?

On the Edit Screen in the WP Admin there is a meta box for WP's built-in Category taxonomy. This meta box is built using post_categories_meta_box() (/wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php). This meta box ...
davemackey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why are taxonomy terms not saving when using custom meta boxes with radio button taxonomy selectors?

I'm currently working on a website that has a custom post type ("schedules") that requires custom hierarchal taxonomies (named "location" and "servicetype" in this case) to be displayed as radio ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Want to hide some categories from the categories meta box in the post editor for the two specific user roles

Recently, I am customizing the COLORMag theme in WordPress. I want to make my site as a multi-author website where random people will register and write. But as my theme's homepage shows all the posts ...
Naeem Musa's user avatar
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Topic won't save for a custom post type -- how to debug?

In two of my site's custom post types, the topic (in the Topics meta box -- see screenshot below) won't save. This is not a custom meta box, I don't think. At least, I think it comes standard with ...
arnoldbird's user avatar
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Add other all taxonomies as meta boxes to custom post type

I have a custom post type which comes with a category taxonomy. This taxonomy shows as a meta box at the side. Pretty basic so far. Now I want to add additional meta boxes below the content on the "...
xxtesaxx's user avatar
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1 answer

transfer two existing taxonomy terms into one custom metabox

Using this code I am able to add existing Terms from one taxonomy moviestax to my own created Metabox. function my_meta_box(){ add_meta_box( 'mymtx_div', 'This my own Meta box Only :-)', '...
Mona Coder's user avatar
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set a custom post type to a taxonomy term programmatically in metabox

I have a Custom Post Type called Movies and it has a Custom Taxonomy called Genres. I also have 3 Terms under Genres called ['Action','Comedy','Horror'] Can you please let me know how I can Get and ...
Suffii's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove taxonomy widget from "PAGE" post

For internal purpose I created taxonomy named "CLIENT" for the "PAGES" post . It's generated a widget in pages (picture below). I use ACF to manages my client categories (I create a specific field) ...
Samuel's user avatar
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issue with saving custom metaboxes fields

I have a post_type named room_type and a taxonomy room_facility. Between them I want a relationship. Furthermore I would like to add a value for each relationship room_type and room_facility. So the ...
MolteNolte's user avatar
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How to show taxonomy terms from wordpress database?

I am trying to show all terms associated to "competition" taxonomy as dropdown in my metabox, but it is not showing up. <p> <label for="match_competition_name"><?php _e( 'Comtetition', ...
bdtheme's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Custom taxonomy hide meta box but show in menu

If set show_ui false, this hide the taxonomy meta box and admin menu link both, how to hide only meta box? $args = array( 'hierarchical' => true, 'labels' => $labels, ...
Sevi's user avatar
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How to make custom taxonomy into drop down select in a custom metabox

I have a custom post type that I am creating custom meta boxes for on the "Add New Post" screen. I would like to remove the default meta boxes for a given custom taxonomy and place it in a drop down ...
730wavy's user avatar
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Multiple category filters

I'm working on an events plugin for a client and I need several 'categories filters'. Now I have arguments for a post type, I've registered that post type and taxonomy, and I created another taxonomy. ...
dingo_d's user avatar
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Looking for suggestions on creating simple database (Help!!)

I'm working on creating a basic database for a theatre and really need some suggestions as the best way to approach this. Each production from this theatre will have its own page. The page should ...
Matthew's user avatar
3 votes
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Admin Panel - Disable Moving Selected Terms To Top of Metabox

By default whenever you select a category it moved it to the top of the term list, which in most cases it pretty user friendly. I want to disable this featured and leave my term list in the default ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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Default taxonomy 'post_tag' added to CPT managing by custom role : nothing in the metabox

I've created a Custom post type, which a custom role can manage : it has only the capabilities for managing this CPT. When registering the CPT, I've set the argument : 'taxonomies' => array( '...
nderambure's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Consolidate Metaboxes into 1 Big Metabox

I have a post type with 7 (count it SEVEN!) taxonomy tag boxes. By default, the only options to display these metaboxes are - 7 small metaboxes on the right side stacking or turn these tag metaboxes ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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How can I edit the 'Most Used' tab in the categories meta-box to show another custom taxonomy?

The 'Most Used' tab in the categories meta-box is the one that can be seen in the Edit Post section. I want to replace the Most Used tab, with a tab that lists another Custom Taxonomy, or edit the ...
danny2104's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Custom Taxonomy as checkbox or dropdown

I have registered a custom tax to my CPT. On the edit screen the tax meta box appears with an autocomplete field. Is it possible to display it as checkboxes or dropdown instead?
Julian F. Weinert's user avatar
1 vote
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Taxonomy as checkboxes

So I'm trying to get Wordpress to display the categories as a series of select boxes in a custom meta box and am using some examples from this tutorial, but when I go to save the selection it ...
Picard102's user avatar
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input radio 'checked' saves, but select option 'selected' doesn't

So I followed a tutorial on how to create a meta box w/ the taxonomy terms shown in radio buttons. (Tutorial here for others if interested:
Roc's user avatar
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Display Term Metabox Only On Certain Term Edit and Add Pages In Admin

I have a simple metabox added to a taxonomy and in turn its terms, however I am looking for a way to only display the metabox on a single term of this taxonomy, is this possible? This metabox with ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

Create custom taxonomy and Display in metabox dropdown

I'm looking to create a dropdown in the post edit screen which contains 3 already existing tags. What's the easiest way of doing this? Basically all I'm looking for is a simple drop down which adds ...
kallekillen's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

How to display non-hierarchical taxonomy as terms with checkboxes?

I'd like to have a non-hierarchical custom taxonomy displayed in the add/edit posts admin screen for a custom post type. Obviously, when the custom taxonomy is non-hierarchical, the meta box that's ...
Philip Downer's user avatar
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2 answers

multi custom fields and taxonomy search

we have a couple of custom meta boxes for product (custom post type). one custom meta box key is area_required_width, and we have numbers input for it when publishing products, now we want to have a ...
Jerry Woo's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Custom Posts with Metaboxes and Drop-downs

When using Custom Posts and adding a Metabox, I was wondering how I could add a drop-down menu that would populate data that was added by the user. For example I want to be able to select a 'source' ...
Mike's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Better way to enforce category hierarchy in post_categories_metabox?

The objective is to ensure that when editing a post, the metabox that lists a hierarchical taxonomy doesn't reorder itself upon Update to put checked items on top. Right now, edit-form-advanced.php ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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How to group meta boxes on the post edit page

I suspect that this is not possible right now, but oh well.. I'll ask, maybe one of you has some intersting thoughts to share. So let's say we have the following taxonomy terms meta-boxes on our post ...
mike23's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How can I create a taxonomy meta-box with search suggestions but no new terms input?

I was wondering how I could setup a taxonomy metabox on a post edit page that would be similar to the "tags" kind (with search field and automatic suggestions), but without the right to add a new term....
mike23's user avatar
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Taxonomy dropdown metabox in the back-end

I've created custom taxonomy called Brands and made it hierarchical so I can add Car brands and models there and keep their relations, like this: Ford Mustang Mondeo Focus Problem is, this list ...
Kovas's user avatar
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metabox with custom post type values

I need to re-write a current WP website and I think Custom post types are required, combined with Meta Box. The basic layout is Author (custom) Books (custom) Photos (custom) All 3 custom post are ...
salocin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Add additional data to a specific taxonomy term when used in a post

If I'm using a custom post type for a Movie or a TV show episode, I may use a taxonomy for "actors" and assign all the actors related to the work to it, but I'm not sure how, besides of that, I can ...
peroyomas's user avatar
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How to add automatically keyword to taxonomies when a post published, and assign them to the post

How to add automatically keyword to taxonomies when a post published, and assign them to the post for example i have in my post edition, a custom meta box, when you complete this input, a function ...
zagriyen's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Custom Post Type - Taxonomy Dropdown Menu?

I have created a custom post type and added various meta boxes/fields to this custom post type. All is working excellent except for one element... Instead of utilizing the default interface for ...'s user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Can I add a Category Metabox to attachment?

I am using register_taxonomy_for_object_type() to add the Category taxonomy field to Media uploads (attachments). I'm using this code to do so: add_action('init', 'reg_tax'); function reg_tax() { ...
Rick Curran's user avatar
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