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Questions tagged [add-editor-style]

Function to register custom stylesheets for WordPress’ TinyMCE visual editor.

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1 answer

add_editor_style now copying html styles to .editor-styles-wrapper?

Edit: I didn't adequately research this question before posting it, so the behavior I'm describing is much older than I realized. The issue I was observing comes from elsewhere. Leaving the original ...
Jay's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

add_editor_style not working after upgrade to WP v 6.2

I had a site I was running with a block-based/FSE theme on WP v.6.1.1. In functions.php, I was loading my theme stylesheet in the Gutenberg editor using the following: function ...
Eric's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

.editor-styles-wrapper overriding my block styles in Gutenberg

I'm working on my first theme built from custom gutenberg blocks. I've managed to register blocks and enqueue their specific stylesheets, but I'm running into one issue that's kind of a pain. A lot of ...
AGKlem's user avatar
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add_editor_style to the blog editor view (Gutenberg?)

How do I include a css from a custom plugin that would take effect when editing the post? (I assume now the WP blog editing page are all using Gutenberg) I got this code during my research my it is ...
Atimmy's user avatar
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Auto LTR-RTL Text Direction in wordpress post!

How can make wordpress auto direction to language detected and switch it automatically Example: when i use facebook app or website i usually use it in English language LTR but when I write something ...
Ihab Taha Murad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Different css rules for TinyMCE and Gutenberg while using add_editor_style()

I wanted to include some CSS rules inside of my gutenberg editor (in a way that it better reflected the frontend of the website). Yet I absolutely didn't want to see the same styles applied inside of ...
Cerere's user avatar
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1 answer

WP 5 how to add_editor_style for both tinyMCE and Gutenberg

Before Gutenberg blocks we used to add editor styles by using add_editor_style( array( 'path/to/editor-style.css', 'whatever.css' ) ); Now we have Gutenberg editor whose stylesheet is also loaded by ...
dameer dj's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Using main style.css with add_editor_style

All the resources I've read online suggest using a different CSS file (i.e. editor-style.css) in order to style the WYSIWYG editor to better resemble what the actual content will look like. For the ...
epsilon42's user avatar
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Custom styles dropdown in TinyMCE editor - not working with headings

I've added a custom style dropdown to the TinyMCE editor, but cannot get it to work with headings (h1, h2, etc..). I highlight plain text, select the style from the formats dropdown, and the text does ...
LBF's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

add_editor_style is not working

I've reviewed various blog posts, stackexchange topics, etc, but can find no way to get add_editor_style() to work in WordPress 4.1.5. Is anyone having any luck getting this function to work in ...
arnoldbird's user avatar
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1 answer

Hide certain post types from editors

I'm trying to hide a series of posts from my editors in the admin panel based on either custom post type or category (whichever is easiest). I tried adding a function such as: add_action( '...
flipnotic's user avatar
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1 answer

Are styles included in a stylesheet using add_editor_style loaded in the front end?

I am writing a stylesheet that will help show the content in the TinyMCE editor look more like it would appear on the front end of the website using the add_editor_style function in the WordPress ...
Mckay Multimedia's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Editor background colour in full screen

In this Q&A, How do you change the visual editor's background color?, it is shown how to modify WordPress' editor background colour. My question is how can I modify the editor's background ...
wmnorth's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Load visual editor without custom styling

I have a plugin that uses the wp_editor() function to load an instance of the TinyMCE editor. However, the editor is affected by custom styling to make it look similar to the theme through the ...
shea's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Having a lot of difficulty getting add_editor_style() to load into source code

I have tried many different things to get add_editor_style() to load into the source code on my site without any luck. I would like to use editor-style.css to customize CSS properties for my WordPress ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Define add_editor_style to specific post types?

I am wondering is it posible to define add_editor_style to specific post types? Currently I am using this function.. // EDITOR STYLE add_editor_style('editor-style.css'); But I would like have ...
Joshc's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to include own css on wordpress tinymce editor?

I have added some text on tinymce editor on load. (Every time you click on Add new the tinymce editor load with this text.) but problem is how to enable css class which are using in default text. ...
Wordpress D's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a filter for editor-style.css file?

I need to add multiple css files from a css framework to my editor-style.css file. The point is that i don't want to update the editor-style.css file anytime there's a new update from either my theme ...
kaiser's user avatar
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