I'm trying to translate Woosidebars strings in french using PoEdit but my french strings are never shown on the front-end. English strings are always displayed, even when I change the language (And I can see it works since other plugins strings are well translated).

I've created and added a french translation file called 'woosidebars-fr_FR.po' in the 'woosidebars/lang/' folder. This file is compiled without errors (.mo)

If someone had the same issue it would be great to share a solution!


2 Answers 2


Try to rename your files, from woosidebars-fr_FR.po to fr_FR.po. The same for .mo file.

  • Hi @tran, it doesn't work. If I look into the code, in classes/class-woo-sidebars.php I can see the plugin tries to load a file called woosidebars-xx_XX.mo Commented Mar 25, 2013 at 16:01
  • I think you should find a plugin and see how they did. I suggest this: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/user-avatar. This is a plugin with translation and not many files. Look for the word load_plugin_textdomain in the file user-avatar.php. Find the difference between your plugins and that plugin. Hope this helps.
    – Tran Cuong
    Commented Mar 25, 2013 at 16:56
  • It appears there was a conflict with the WPML String translation module which was already installed and configured to translate widget strings. Commented May 2, 2013 at 10:32

I've finally found why this strange thing was happening on my website.

It appears there was a conflict with the WPML String translation module which was already installed and configured to translate widget strings.

fr_FR.po file was never called because the WPML plugin was configured to use database translated strings and not .po/.mo files for widgets.

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