Easy question. Where does the self-hosted WordPress store version information?

3 Answers 3


If you need to get the wordpress version in your script, there is a global variable:

$wp_version (right now it's something like '3.1-RC3-17376')

It contains the wordpress version.

If you need to acquire if from a file, you can read it from /wp-includes/version.php:

function getWPVersion() {
    $path = '/path/to/wp-install';
    include $path.'/wp-includes/version.php';
    return $wp_version;

Wordpress Version Variables

There is more information available in that file:

  • $wp_version - The WordPress version string ('3.1-RC3-17376')
  • $wp_db_version - Holds the WordPress DB revision, increments when changes are made to the WordPress DB schema (17056)
  • $tinymce_version - The TinyMCE version string ('3393')
  • $manifest_version - Holds the cache manifest version ('20111113')
  • $required_php_version - Holds the required PHP version ('4.3')
  • $required_mysql_version - Holds the required MySQL version ('4.1.2')

The codex says its in wp-includes/version.php.

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'getWPVersion' );

function getWPVersion() {

    echo $GLOBALS['wp_version'];


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