I have a strange upload problem similar to: wordpress upload http error?
I have an 8MB upload limit and no control of the php.ini.
My client can upload small media files (images and PDFs) successfully in Wordpress, but can't upload files larger than about 1MB. She has tried both the flash and browser upload methods, resulting in an IO error with the flash method and a 'Connect to the Server was reset while the page was loading' error with the browser method. She has tried on various browsers on two different computers.
However, from a different location I can upload exactly the same larger files, using the same Wordpress Login.
I created a simple php upload script (on the same site, but outside of WP) and she can successfully upload the larger files which fail in WP using that.
I can make a workaround where she uploads them using my form but it's not ideal as she's already finding wordpress quite complicated.
Any ideas why this could be happening?