I am using a page hierarchy and I want to show the title of the parents and grand parents page (if there is any).

The structure is something like


Startpage > Second page

Startpage > Second page > Third page

Startpage > Second page > Third page > Fourth page

The title should be something like On the Fourth page: "Fourth page - Third page - Second page - Startpage" On the Third page: "Third page - Second page - Startpage"

The solution I have found isn't that good:



$parent = get_post($post->post_parent);
$parent_title = get_the_title($parent);
$grandparent = $parent->post_parent;
$grandparent_title = get_the_title($grandparent);
    if ($parent) {
        if ($grandparent) {
            echo wp_title('') . " - " . $parent_title . " - " . $grandparent_title . " - ";
        else {
            echo wp_title('') . " - " . $parent_title . " - ";  

    else {
        echo wp_title('') . " - ";
}?>  Startpage</title>

On the Second page level the title for that page gets double... "Second page - Second page - Start page"


2 Answers 2


possibly build on get_ancestors();


if( is_page() ) :
    echo $post->post_title;
    if( $ancs = get_ancestors($post->ID,'page') ) {
        foreach( $ancs as $anc ) {
        echo ' -> ' . get_page( $anc )->post_title;

Here's a solution. It uses the get_ancestors() function, which returns an array of the current page's ancestors from lowest to highest in hierarchy.

Since I didn't really get in which order you wanted to display it (lowest to highest or highest to lowest), I set a $reverse param (default:false) to change the order.


function print_page_parents($reverse = false){
  global $post;

  //create array of pages (i.e. current, parent, grandparent)
  $page = array($post->ID);
  $page_ancestors = get_ancestors($post->ID, 'page');
  $pages = array_merge($page, $page_ancestors);

  if($reverse) {
    //reverse array (i.e. grandparent, parent, current)
    $pages = array_reverse($pages);

  for($i=0; $i<count($pages); $i++) {
    $output.= get_the_title($pages[$i]);
    if($i != count($pages) - 1){
      $output.= " &raquo; ";
    echo $output;

//print lowest to highest

//print highest to lowest
print_page_parents($reverse = true);


I hope it helps!



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