I am designing a wordpress website with theme options:

In my theme options I have code that looks like this:

    $class = (isset($this->field['class']))?$this->field['class']:'regular-text';

    echo '<ul id="'.$this->field['id'].'-ul">';

    if(isset($this->value) && is_array($this->value)){
        foreach($this->value as $k => $value){
            if($value != ''){

                echo '<li><input type="text" id="'.$this->field['id'].'-'.$k.'" name="'.$this->args['opt_name'].'['.$this->field['id'].'][]" value="'.esc_attr($value).'" class="'.$class.'" /> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="nhp-opts-multi-text-remove">'.__('Remove', 'nhp-opts').'</a></li>';

It displays a text field in my theme options panel, and I am able type in it and save it.

Here is my problem, I changed my code to add a text area with the options, and it looked something like this:

    $class = (isset($this->field['class']))?$this->field['class']:'regular-text';

    echo '<ul id="'.$this->field['id'].'-ul">';

    if(isset($this->value) && is_array($this->value)){
        foreach($this->value as $k => $value){
            if($value != ''){

                echo '<li><input type="text" id="'.$this->field['id'].'-'.$k.'" name="'.$this->args['opt_name'].'['.$this->field['id'].'][]" value="'.esc_attr($value).'" class="'.$class.'" /> <textaread id="'.$this->field['id'].'-'.$k.'" name="'.$this->args['opt_name'].'['.$this->field['id'].'][]" class="'.$class.'">'.esc_attr($value).'</textarea> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="nhp-opts-multi-text-remove">'.__('Remove', 'nhp-opts').'</a></li>';

Now when I go to my theme options panel, both boxes are there, but if i type something different in each one and save it. Both boxes are displayed to showing the exact same thing. Is there a way I can fix this?

  • Please post all code relevant to your Theme options. The question doesn't include enough context to be able to provide an answer. Commented Dec 11, 2012 at 16:39

1 Answer 1


Your input and textarea have the same name and id, so when the data is processed, it's only going to recognise one (probably the last).

Try using different name and id properties, and you should be able to differentiate between the 2.

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