I'm adding an extra menu item in admin menu by using add_menu_page.
add_menu_page('Calendar', 'Calendar', 'edit_posts', 'wp-eventcal/eventcal-manager.php');
Still my editors do not see the menu item. Why not? Any user that can edit a post, should now be able to see the menu item.
This is the code:
// Define some constants
define('WP_CAL_PLUGIN_DIR', trailingslashit( str_replace("\\","/", dirname(__FILE__) ) ) );
define('WP_CAL_PLUGIN_URL', trailingslashit( str_replace("\\","/", dirname(__FILE__) ) ) );
// Plugin activation / deactivation script
// create custom plugin settings menu
if ( function_exists('add_action') ) {
add_action('admin_menu', 'event_cal_menu');
add_shortcode('eventcal', 'shortcode_display_event');
function event_cal_menu() {
//create new top-level menu
add_menu_page('Calendar', 'Calendar', 'read', 'wp-eventcal/eventcal-manager.php');
Could it be admin_init
in add_action
that gives me problems?
Update 2
If I log in as administrator, I can see the menu item.