I know there are very similar questions ans answers out there already, but I simply cannot get my query to get into the right order.

I have a custom post type ("bb_articles") with custom fields, among them: - "bb_source": radio button with stored values 1, 2, 3... - "bb_date": date field

I want to show posts of specific "bb_source" (e.g. 1) ordered by "bb_date".

What I get, however, is a order by publication date (it seems), what is NOT what I want.

My code is:

$query = array (
   'post_type' => 'bb_articles',
   'meta-key' => 'bb_date',
   'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
   'order' => 'DESC',
   'meta_query' => array(
      array('key' => 'bb_source',
        'value' => 1,
        'compare' => '='

$my_query = new WP_Query($query);

I also tried it that way as described by Hameedullah Khan here

$query = array (
   'post_type' => 'bb_articles',
   'meta-key' => 'bb_date',
   'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
   'order' => 'DESC',
   'meta_query' => array(
         array (
            'key' => 'bb_date'
         array('key' => 'bb_source',
            'value' => 1,
            'compare' => '=='

"bb_date" is stored in Unix date format, i.e. 4 Nov 2012 is: 1351987200 thus, ordering by meta_value_num should imo produce the right order.

Obviously it does not, so where could the error be?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Edit: cleaned code snipped and added second code snippet

1 Answer 1


It is meta_key not meta-key meaning you aren't meeting all of the conditions needed for this to work.

'meta_value_num' - Order by numeric meta value (available with Version 2.8). Also note that a 'meta_key=keyname' must also be present in the query. This value allows for numerical sorting as noted above in 'meta_value'.

  • Oh, for crying out loud! That did cost me HOURS now, and I just did not see it. Very embarrassing, indeed! Thanks for your help.
    – blu bla
    Commented Nov 4, 2012 at 19:58

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