Using a get_field('sampleImage'), how would I go about in order to get the image's width and height using the ACF plug-in? I need to be able to print out the img tag with width and height attributes because of a script.

1 Answer 1


You can get the ID for the attachment with $attachment_id = get_field('field_name');. When you have the ID you can use wp_get_attachment_metadata() to get the info associated with the image in an array. The images width and height are stored in cells named width and height.

$attachment_id = get_field('field_name');
$metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($attachment_id);

$width = $metadata['width'];
$height = $metadata['height'];
  • Thank you! If you're reading this and looking for a solution - be sure to set the return value of these fields to Attachment ID in the ACF panel. Commented Aug 1, 2012 at 15:10

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