I'm working on a multisite, everything is configured and works fine from dashboard. Now I'm trying to write a plugin with a PHP file that displays the list of pages created in a site - to be displayed to the admin of the site who logs in.

Here is the code (simplified)

(some HTML)
    $pages = get_pages();                                  

    foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
        echo $page->post_title . '<br>'

My plugin PHP file uses login_redirect filter to redirect user after login to that PHP file where I am trying to display the list of pages the user created:

function my_login_redirect( $redirect_to, $request ) { 
    return '/wp-content/plugins/my-admin-plugin/my-admin-view-all-pages.php'; 

THE PROBLEM - no matter which site I'm in, I get the list of pages created in the "main" site. How do I pass the context of the existing site to the functions?

  • Why do you call wp-load.php? That shouldn’t be necessary.
    – fuxia
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 20:33
  • toscho - how do I get access to WP functions from my own PHP file otherwise?
    – OS.
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 20:53
  • Register an address and get the WP environment for free. :)
    – fuxia
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 20:54
  • @toscho just wondering ... is that the right link as the OP was asking about listing the pages in the current site
    – Damien
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 21:08
  • @OS is this code what you are looking for? codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_pages and you shouldn't be using wp-load.php
    – Damien
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 21:10

1 Answer 1


The way you are doing this is not correct.

Two possibilities:

1) Create a Dashboard Widget to display the information

add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'wpse_60096_dashboard_widget');

function wpse_60096_dashboard_widget() {
    if( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) )
            'Site Pages', 

function wpse_60096_add_widget_content() {
    $pages = get_pages();                                  
    foreach ( $pages as $page ) 
        echo $page->post_title . '<br>'; 

2) Register an invisible submenu page

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