This one is doing my head in! I'm using this code as the basis for one of my custom post types.
In my case I don't need the editor - I just want the user to complete the contents within the meta box.
When I adjust this line:
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail' ),
to this instead
'supports' => array( 'title', 'thumbnail' ),
Everything works - except that for the fact that if I leave the page open and unedited for a short period of time I get the alert box prompting me that unsaved changes will not be saved. There are no changes being made to the post! Simply adding back in the 'editor' support fixes the issue but I don't want the editor.
I've also tried adding
remove_post_type_support( 'mycustompost_type', 'editor' );
Just after the register_post_type call but the same issue persists.
I've read multiple threads about AUTOSAVE etc. which are all present in the generic functions file that comes with this code
Has anyone any experience with this issue and how to resolve?