I have this loop in my wordpress site which displays the latest posts with their titles, I want to display the post content after the title. I normally retrieve it with the function get_the_content but I cannot make it work in this case. This is the loop:
while ( $q_query->have_posts() )
$question = get_post($q_query->post);
$loophtml = $loophtml . "<li><span class='list-question-title'>" . "<a class='list-answer-link' href='" . get_permalink($question->ID) ."'>" . $question->post_title . "</a></span>";
$loophtml = $loophtml . "<span class='list-number-answers'>" . get_comments_number($question->ID) . " comentarios</span> · <a href='" . get_permalink($question->ID) ."'>Comentar</a>";
$loophtml = $loophtml . "</li>";
Anyone knows how I could do it? Thanks