I'm using two plugins which use the_title, but one (while still completely functional) is showing an error on certain pages.
Missing argument 2 for pfund_handle_title() in ...wp-content/plugins/personal-fundraiser/includes/user.php on line 639
I'm told it's because it doesn't pass the second required parameter of the_title.
Here's my original ? on the WP forums: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-personal-fundraiser-missing-argument-2-for-pfund_handle_title-in-userphp-on-line-639?replies=4#post-2682690
The second plugin is Blog in Blog. When deactivated, the error goes away, so I'm sure it's that one.
I don't want to set the debugging in wp-config to false because, well, I don't want it to BE false.
Here is the line from the Blog in Blog plugin which references the_title.
$data['post_title'] = apply_filters('the_title', $post->post_title);
Is there something I can do to make this work without also seeing the error?