I want to implement Sphinx Search in my Wordpress site but I'm not exactly sure how to change Wordpress search behavior to use Sphinx.

How do I get Sphinx Search engine to replace whatever Wordpress uses as default? I also want to display search results in a div with animations and search options on a static front page with only the site logo above it. If I use Sphinx, is there a way to use a Wordpress loop to return the search results with query_posts function?

Thanks for your help!

1 Answer 1


The Sphinx Search website lists three wordpress plugins on its Plugin Page. Maybe one (or more) of them does what you want?

  • Voce Connect. Wordpress Plugin.
  • Ivinco. Wordpress Plugin.
  • Gigaom. Wordpress Plugin. Filters WordPress' core WP Query to allow interoperability with and improve performance of other plugins and existing queries, including core taxonomy queries.

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