Context: a custom plugin

My goal: i need to redirect user to another site after a logout

I wrote these

error_log("test of error logging");

add_action('wp_logout', function () {
  error_log("do_action wp_logout_called");

add_action('wp_logout', function()

In the error_log i can see test of error logging, so plugin is loaded and error logging works


  1. I never see do_action wp_logout_called, never logged at all
  2. The redirect is not working (the user returns to wordpress, no error, no redirect)

What am I doing wrong?

Edit 1 - More trial

I tried a manual logut using


Esit: logout works, but i'm redirected to home page.

  • The second add_action does not have a valid second parameter, I would expect that code to produce a PHP syntax error, have you modified it for the question to hide things?
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Oct 24 at 9:39
  • Thanks for pointing the error. Anyway was only a copy/paste error.
    – realtebo
    Commented Oct 25 at 10:03
  • If I run the above code directly in a plugin file, it seems to error log which leads me to believe there's a 3rd party code preventing it. I tested this through admin page log out, not any specific log out form/button. I'd try to isolate the code, maybe it has to do when/how the action is being added. Disabling themes and plugins to help narrow down the issue as well.
    – Howdy_McGee
    Commented Oct 25 at 15:33

1 Answer 1


I also tested the code on a local sandbox WP and it worked as expected. As Howdy_McGee commented this is probably a conflict with 3rd party code.

If disabling theme and plugins is not an option, you can try changing the priority of the actions - i.e. the third parameter to add_action().

By default priority is 10, but if you give it a lower number it will be executed earlier - possibly before 3rd party actions.

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