I'd like to prevent posts under the default category named "affitti" to be published. I tried this but with no effect

function prevent_default_category_publish($data, $postarr) {
if (in_category('affitti', $postarr['ID'])) {
    wp_die('Error: Posts cannot be published with the default category.');
return $data;
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'prevent_default_category_publish', 10, 2);
  • 1
    the code in your question would also prevent the creation of drafts and revisions, it's important to know are you asking for the block editor or a different editor? If it's the block editor then there are APIs that can be used to implement pre-publish checks that aren't available in the classic editor
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Oct 23 at 16:12
  • @TomJNowell block editor Commented Oct 23 at 16:23
  • it seems it's not possible to accomplish what I wanted in PHP [link]wordpress.org/support/topic/… Commented Oct 24 at 6:45

1 Answer 1


The in_category function works only on existing (saved) posts. Here you can directly access the category in $postarr like this:

if ('affitti' == $postarr['post_category'])) {
  wp_die('Error: Posts cannot be published with the default category.');

By the way, are you sure you want to use wp_die for this and not some other error message? People may loose their work if WP stops completely when they try to publish.

  • No, I'm not sure. Any other solution? I tested the new conditional but it's not working :( I removed a parenthesis too, but it doesn help, sorry Commented Oct 23 at 15:31
  • Are you sure the filter is called at all?
    – cjbj
    Commented Oct 23 at 19:01

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