There is a plugin that adds a custom post type called "magicai-documents". I want to disable the single view, search, and archive pages (every area of frontend) for an already-built custom post type.

I know I can use 'publicly_queryable' => false when creating a custom post type, but since this custom post type is created by a plugin, I can't update the register_post_type code. What is the best way to disable the single view, search, and archive pages for an already built custom post type?

  • I posted an answer, but I actually wanted to ask, what plugin is it and did it not provide a UI/setting which allows you to change the post type args?
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Feb 22 at 15:10
  • 1
    @SallyCJ Your solution is worked. Thanks. The plugin name is "MagicAI for WordPress"
    – Ranuka
    Commented Mar 6 at 5:53

1 Answer 1


this custom post type is created by a plugin, I can't update the register_post_type code

You can use either the register_post_type_args or register_<post type>_post_type_args hook to filter the post type args like the publicly_queryable in your case. See an example below which uses the former hook, where I also set exclude_from_search to true to exclude posts with the magicai-documents post type from front end search results.

add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', 'my_filter_post_type_args', 10, 2 );
function my_filter_post_type_args( $args, $post_type ) {
    if ( 'magicai-documents' === $post_type ) {
        $args['publicly_queryable']  = false;
        $args['exclude_from_search'] = true;

    return $args;

If the post type should only be made public on the admin side, then you can set the public arg to false, and then set show_ui and show_in_nav_menus to true.

Alternatively, you could hook on an action like template_redirect and do a conditional tag check like if ( is_singular( 'magicai-documents' ) || is_post_type_archive( 'magicai-documents' ) ) { display a 404 error or (do) something else }, and/or you could filter the WP_Query args using the pre_get_posts action, but changing the appropriate post type args is much easier.

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