I use a global settings menu in WordPress for my plugin. I use update_option to set some options there. How do I use or retrieve these options in Gutenberg e.g. the edit.js ? Or can I set block attributes in php somehow?

For example I have an option called "autoupdate"

<?php update_option('autoupdate', true); ?>

How do I retrieve this option in the default function in react:

export default function Edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) {

const { autoupdate } = ????;

1 Answer 1


If your option is enabled in the REST API, e.g. by using register_setting() with 'show_in_rest' => true, you can use wp.data.select( 'core' ).getSite() to retrieve the value of your option, and to update the option, you can use wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).saveSite().

So for example in your case:

  • To get the option value: wp.data.select( 'core' ).getSite()?.autoupdate

  • To update the option (to true): wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).saveSite( { autoupdate: true } )

    Note: This function will make an AJAX request to the Site Settings endpoint, so you will need to wait a while before getSite() returns the updated options.

Example using useSelect and useDispatch in the edit function:

// In the `edit` function:

// Get the current option value.
const autoupdate = useSelect(
    ( select ) => select( 'core' ).getSite()?.autoupdate,

// Extract the function which saves the new option value.
const { saveSite } = useDispatch( 'core' );

// Save the new option value.
function saveAutoupdate( autoupdate ) {
    saveSite( { autoupdate } );

return (
    <div { ...useBlockProps() }>
            help="Additional help text"
            checked={ !! autoupdate }
            onChange={ saveAutoupdate }
  • PS: { autoupdate } is a shorthand for { autoupdate: autoupdate }.
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Jan 31 at 5:02
  • Wow thank you! I will try that and report
    – Marc
    Commented Jan 31 at 6:19

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