I am using `ACF` plugin to add a custom field to my widgets. After creating the field with the name `mobile_enable`, tried to get the value with the method explained in the ACF docs which is the following:
the_field('field_name', 'widget_' . $widget_id)

Inside the widget method we can get the widget_id like this:

public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
   $widget_id = $args['widget_id']

The problem I am having is that the following code returns null even after enabling the option with the checkbox:

$is_mobile_enabled = get_field('mobile_enable', 'widget_' . $args['widget_id']);
  • In your last snippet: 'mobile_enable' are you missing a "d"? Commented Dec 28, 2023 at 10:03
  • No that is how I defined it 😅
    – MeMo
    Commented Dec 28, 2023 at 15:51

1 Answer 1


We can't get the whole picture unless we see exactly where your code has been added and called, but I suggest to check every variables value of this line of code $is_mobile_enabled = get_field('mobile_enable', 'widget_' . $args['widget_id']);

  • Check the value of $args['widget_id'], as if it may be empty.
  • Also, it's better to use error_logs instead of var_dump, you can do it something like this error_log(print_r($is_mobile_enabled,true));
  • Thanks or the reply but I have checked every variable and they are all correct. I will use your method to see if anything new happens
    – MeMo
    Commented Dec 28, 2023 at 15:50

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