How can the “date” hyperlink be disabled? I want to keep the date text in posts (archive and single posts), without it linking anywhere.

  • Any link would be added by your theme. To remove it you would need to create a child theme and change the template in your child theme so that there's no link. The specific files etc. depends entirely on your theme, so I suggest speaking to its author. Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 22:10

1 Answer 1


You can use the Site Editor.

For the TwentyTwentyThree theme, you can find the option to disable the link with the steps below. A different template my require a different path through the template blocks or a child theme as suggested by Jacob Peattie in the Comments.

Single posts

  1. Navigate to the Site Editor page for the Single template
  2. Select the List View
  3. Navigate through these blocks: Group > Post Meta > Group > Columns > Column > Row > Post Date
  4. Select Post Date
  5. Using the Block Settings panel disable links using the option Link to post

Archive posts

  1. Navigate to the Site Editor page for the Archive template
  2. Select the List View
  3. Navigate through these blocks: Group > Query Loop > Post Template > Post Date
  4. Select Post Date
  5. Using the Block Settings panel disable links using the option Link to post

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