In my search.php file i have a loop which succesfuly gives list of search query.

    global $wp_query;
    $total_results = $wp_query->posts; 

    if ( $total_results ) : 
        foreach ( $total_results as $tr ) : 



But there is something wrong with date time in results because the_time() function displays a wrong date for all listed posts. Here is what i get:

the_time( 'j F Y, G:i' ); // --> 7 NOVEMBER 2023, 20:00 (don't know what kind a date is that)

echo get_the_date( 'j F Y, G:i' ); --> 7 NOVEMBER 2023, 20:00

echo $tr->post_date; // --> 2023-10-13 23:00:47 (proper publish date)

Is my query is right? Apart from date, meta data of all listed posts are correct (title, author etc.).

1 Answer 1


All the date functions reference the global $post variable, but from your code the $post variable is not being used, so that's why the date is wrong.

Try this (untested):

foreach ( $total_results as $tr ) {
    echo get_the_time( 'j F Y, G:i', $tr );
  • Indeed. I was also thinking that lack of global $post instance could be the reason but I figured it out later. I made a change to <?php echo get_the_date( 'j F Y, G:i', $tr ); ?> and it works fine. Same as Your proposition with get_the_time(). Thanks.
    – X9DESIGN
    Commented Nov 23, 2023 at 13:05

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