This is the 2nd time this has happened in the past few weeks so I thought I would try and get some ideas on how to overcome. There are a few others in the localwp community that have had the same issue but their question has gone unanswered for over a year so looks like localwp aren't addressing it as an issue.
I imported a site from live into my localwp. When I try to login to the backend (using one-click login) I get a permission error and no access. When on the frontend, the wp-admin toolbar has no options except profile link.
I have compared the live database with my localwp database and the wp_users table is identical as is the wp_usermeta for all rows where user_id=1.
The user has administrative permissions but I cant login. I googled the wp administrative details and every help guide mirrored my user settings. I ended up following a guide to create a new admin user and it worked - I could login BUT, in the DB (wp_user & wp_usermeta) the data was identical - one could login and one couldn't.
What other factors am I not considering that may restrict admin permissions?