I would like to use the url http://site.com/post/title-of-the-post for my posts and I've saw in my admin page I have the current url http://site.com/%slug%/title-of-the-post obiouvsly incorrect.

How can I define the slug for my default posts? I'm using various custom post types so I would like to name the default posts simply to post, is it possible?

2 Answers 2


Set your permalink structure to custom and use:


Then when registering your custom post types use something like this:

'rewrite' => array(
    'slug' => 'something',
    'with_front' => false

Using with_front set to false will make sure that your new custom post types don't share the /post/ part of your permalink structure


Take a look at the Structure Tags for permalink settings in the WordPress Codex.

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