I am trying to change the local environment of my wordpress (fireide.local) to a public environment. I have used velvet-blues-update-urls to change the url, I have selected all the options in velvet-blues-update-urls: enter image description here

when I navigate to my new domain, I can see my site and its assets, but the assets they have used in the 'slider revolution' are still pointing to the local environment. This is your route: enter image description here

To add the images in the 'slider revolution' I have used images from 'media library' and I have uploaded them to wordpress, even through the administration panel I can go to the gallery and there are all the images and with the updated path. I'm using a free version of slider revolution

2 Answers 2


surely @caleb's answer is the best but right now I can't use it. I used the response found in: Need to Replace Old URL with New URL in Revolution Slider.

here I put the steps:

  1. I export the slider in the local environment.

enter image description here

  1. then in the slider-revolution section we go to 'Manual Import'

enter image description here


Slider Revolution has an add-on for changing the domain:

Use the Domain Switch AddOn to change Image URLs in sliders from one domain to another.

Source: https://www.sliderrevolution.com/documentation/domain-switch-addon/.

  • do I need the pro slider revolution version to install add-ons? Commented Jun 26, 2023 at 17:58
  • The article does not mention its only available with Pro. Should be simple enough to follow the directions and see if the add-on is listed.
    – Caleb
    Commented Jun 26, 2023 at 19:35

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