this question was already similar asked but I don't find a way to get it working without using a plugin. So basically I got a text on my homepage which says login, so it's a normal text which i want to change to "my account" if a user is logged in. Also then the link has to change. I thought about creating 2 divs and hide one via css wether a user is logged in or not but this seems pretty inefficient and non-responsive to me. I would like to do it on my own but since I'm pretty new to php, I don't know how to do it.

Tnaks in advance

2 Answers 2


You can use the session functionality in PHP to determine if a user is logged in or not.


if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) && $_SESSION['logged_in'] === true) {
  $link = '/my-account.php';
  $text = 'My Account';
} else {
  $link = '/login.php';
  $text = 'Login';
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $text; ?></a>

So, firstly thanks for your answer. The mentioned code above didn't work out for me, smh It doesn't recognize me being logged in.

Anyways I changed the if condition to the inbuilt logged_in check from wordpress/woocommerce and managed to fix it. So for everyone who is as desperate as I was, I will post the results

if(is_user_logged_in()) {
  $link = '/myaccount';
  $text = 'My Account';
} else {
  $link = '/login';
  $text = 'login';
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $text; ?></a>

Use wp code snippets, create a shortcode, insert it and then style it via css :)

  • If it didn't work, then don't select it as the accepted answer. Instead select the one that worked. You may tick mark your own answer. That way other people will find it easily.
    – Fayaz
    Commented Feb 5, 2023 at 2:27

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