So I have a complex list of ACF repeaters for ingredients, but have a save hook to store them all as one comma delimited text string in a custom field to help. My current "advanced" search passes ingredient searches as a meta query and works, but non-exact matches return nothing. Like if you search "pepper and paprika" it fails, but if you search "pepper" or "paprika" there are common posts (recipes).

Is there a way to make a meta query work like a normal query a little bit more?

My meta_query:

    $args['meta_query'] = array(
            'key' => 'ingredient_list',
            'value' => $search_query,
            'compare' => 'LIKE',

Thank you for any help!

  • Does 'value' => '"' . $search_query . '"' help? Also meta queries can be named: $args['meta_query'] = [ 'query_a'=>['key' => 'ingredient_list' ... ], 'query_b'=>[ ... ] ], this can be useful when managing multiple meta queries & different combinations of and/or logic for the meta queries
    – admcfajn
    Commented Jul 7, 2022 at 21:29
  • @admcfajn The quotes actually broke it, I assume as it is already a string or something.
    – gokujou
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 15:54
  • Maybe look into a search plugin like Relevanssi. It'll give you much more robust functionality without needing to code everything from scratch.
    – admcfajn
    Commented Jul 9, 2022 at 4:28
  • @admcfajn I am actually using that as well, and messaged their support, but it sounds like this needs some tweaks to work right. Relevanssi is more about improving the a single search versus advanced search.
    – gokujou
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 19:28
  • Have you tried 'value' => '%' . $search_query . '%'? You could also take the string, use explode(' ', $search_query) to make an array of the words, remove any stop word (like "and"), then loop over them and add multiple meta queries with an or condition. Does that make sense?
    – admcfajn
    Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 20:59

2 Answers 2


You could break apart the search-string into an array and add each word to it's own meta-query

$search_query = 'strawberries and cream';
$search_query_array = explode(' ', $search_query); // turn search query string into array of words
$stop_words = ['and','or','that','have','with','this'];

if ( ! empty( $search_query_array ) ) {
    foreach( $search_query_array as $index ) { // remove any stop-words from the search query array
        if ( in_array($search_query_array[$index], $excluded_words) ) {
            unset( $search_query_array[$index] );

$args['meta_query'] = [
    'relation' => 'OR', // empty meta_query with or condition
if ( ! empty( $search_query_array ) ) {
    foreach( $search_query_array as $index ) { // remove any stop-words from the search query array
        $word = sanitize_key( $search_query_array[ $index ] );
        $args['meta_query'][ 'search_query__' . sanitize_key( $word ) ] = [ // give the meta query a handle for easy access & debugging
            'key' => 'ingredient_list',
            'value' => sanitize_key( $word ), // or '"' . sanitize_key( $word ) . '"',  or '%' . sanitize_key( $word ) . '%'
            'compare' => 'LIKE', 

var_dump( $args ); // the final meta_query, just needs to be added to wp_query

I ended up having to build a custom query on the indexed custom field of ingredients for performance. Under load the meta_queries slowed way down. Not quite the answer I wanted, but it works.

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