I have seen many like this question (like How to redirect non-logged in users to a specific page?) but none have worked.

this is basically what I've come up with but it doesn't work all the time and has a refresh loop afterwards.

if ((screen.width <= 800) && (document.location="https://example.com/")) {
    window.location.replace = "https:example.com/m-home-page/";

This is a php I was testing as well which redirected the blog page to the home page for some reason. (from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39438523/how-to-redirect-logged-out-users-to-different-page-in-wordpress)

wp_redirect( home_url('/m-home-pages') ); // This will redirect to the home page which we have created.
wp_redirect( home_url() );// this will redirect to the site main home page.

1 Answer 1


Going by the js you provided you can just do this

if ((screen.width <= 800) && (document.location="https://example.com/")) {
    location.href = "https:example.com/m-home-page/";

You could also do this more dynamically using async request but if this solution is enough for you atm then go with it first.

  • Hey thanks for the answer unfortunately it didn't work properly I have a feeling there might be something broken on my end. when activated it creates an infinite refresh loop which I can manually stop but it just has a blank screen. I am using buddyboss child theme and injected the code into the custom .js file if that helps.
    – ChrisPy
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 21:26
  • Update it does the refresh loop in every page on mobile
    – ChrisPy
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 22:17

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