I have embedded HTML in a block which renders a Python console. What I want to do is to be able to pop-out the Block in a separate window.
If that is not possible then may be a link that when I click on it pops-up a page that contains the console.
How do i do that ?
I don't want the pop-up to be full-screen. I want to be able to move it around, so the text below can be seen.
The HTML can be anything, I just give it as example. Let say :
<div id=ABC>12345</div>
i know js/html/css but no idea of how wp works...
Do i just embed html link with onclick=window.open(...) pointing to a wp-page ? Ooo but i have to somehow make it pure page i.e. no theme !! HOW?
And second i have to hide ABC !
Got it : https://myriad.website/create-popup-window/
here is working : https://myriad.website/learn-python/
dont look at the site ... it is still under construction ;)
but in between only output the HTML, so the only thing on that page would be the console, no header/footer/etc. You might need to output a stylesheet for that template to force the console to appear full-screen.