I'm developing a Gutenberg block and I need to show a dropdown with all the terms of a custom taxonomy in it. I'm using the useSelect hook for retrieving this data, but it's not working because it gets stuck showing the Loading... message and there are no errors in the console. I registered the taxonomy with the show_in_rest arg set to true.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?

const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { Placeholder, SelectControl } = wp.components;
const { useSelect } = wp.data;

const blockAttributes = {
    slug: {
        type: 'string',
        default: '',

export const name = 'my-plugin/my-terms-block';

export const settings = {
    title: 'My Terms Block' ),
    attributes: blockAttributes,

    edit: ( props => {
        const { attributes, className } = props;

        const terms = useSelect( ( select ) =>
            select( 'core' ).getEntityRecords( 'taxonomy', 'my_taxonomy', { per_page: -1, orderby: 'name', order: 'asc', _fields: 'name,slug' } )
        const setSlug = value => {
            props.setAttributes( { slug: value } );

        if ( ! terms ) {
            return 'Loading...';

        if ( terms.length === 0 ) {
            return 'No terms found' );

        var options = [];
        options.push( {
            label: 'Select a term...',
            value: ''
        } );

        for ( var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++ ) {
            options.push( {
                label: terms[i].name,
                value: terms[i].slug
            } );

        return (
                label={ 'Terms Block' }
                className={ className }>
                        label={ 'Select a term:' }
                        value={ attributes.slug }
                        options={ options }
                        onChange={ setSlug }

    } ),


registerBlockType( name, settings );

1 Answer 1


If you use the _fields argument, then it needs to include id. Otherwise, getEntityRecords() will always return a null, even if the REST API request succeeded.

So to fix the issue in question, you just need to add id to your args, i.e. _fields: 'id,name,slug'.

You should also know that per_page is limited to 100, so even if you set it to a greater number or even -1 (which means all), the value is always set to max 100.

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