I have loop that displays all terms from custom taxonomy. I also have image field, attached to custom taxonomy. Now, I want to display image in my page template:

/* Template Name: Služby */

<section id="sluzby" class="section--padding" style="background: #eff1f5;">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">

            $terms = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'sluzba', 'hide_empty' => false ) );
            $term_image = get_field( 'tax_image' );
            foreach ( $terms as $term ) : ?>
                <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6">
                    <div class="product product-zoom product--card">
                        <div class="product__thumbnail">

                            <?php //if ( $term_image ) : ?>

                                <img src="<?php echo $term_image['url']; ?>" alt="Služba <?php echo $term->name; ?>">

                            <?php //endif; ?>


                        <div class="product-desc">
                            <h4 class="text-center mb-2"><?php echo $term->name; ?></h4>


enter image description here

  • 2
    try to put $term_image = get_field( 'tax_image' ); inside your foreach loop (because you need to get image for every term) and pass term object inside get_field function, like this - $term_image = get_field( 'tax_image', $term );
    – anton
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 15:29

1 Answer 1


I did it by this example:


$terms = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'sluzba', 'hide_empty' => false ) );

foreach ( $terms as $term ) : 
    $term_image = get_field( 'tax_image', 'sluzba_' . $term->term_id ); ?>

    <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6">
        <div class="product product-zoom product--card">
            <div class="product__thumbnail">

                <?php if ( $term_image ) : ?>

                    <img src="<?php echo $term_image['url']; ?>" alt="Služba <?php echo $term->name; ?>">

                <?php endif; ?>


            <div class="product-desc">
                <h4 class="text-center mb-2"><?php echo $term->name; ?></h4>


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