Saving JSON data as meta_value for users in the wp_usermeta table. The JSON data looks something like this:
The "first_seen" value (per level/id) should not change once it has a value saved. The "last_seen" value should be updated each time.
I am using this to save the data when a hook is fired. This - saving data per user, when no data is saved yet, works. BUT updating only the "last_seen" value once a user already has data, is something I am struggling with.
Is it even possible with "add_user_meta" and/or "update_user_meta" to the partly update a value? If not, are there any other solutions to get this working?
I am pretty sure I saw a plugin that handled this by using JSON, but can´t remember the name...
Hope you can help me out! Thanks a lot.
update: As pointed out by Vancode, I also try to use get_user_meta to get the data, change the "last_seen" part and save it again to the database.
With this however - mainly the getting & changing the "last_seen" part, I´m still struggling unfortunately...