When I use the Gutenburg Editor to add Social Links to my page it does not load the html on to the page. it shows the standard wordpress commenting (as shown below) but no html below it
<!--wp:social-links {"size":"has-huge-icon-size","align":"center","className":"is-style-logos-only"} -->
<ul class="wp-block-social-links aligncenter has-huge-icon-size is-style-logos-only">
<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"wordpress.com","service":"wordpress"} /-->
<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"amazon.com","service":"amazon"} /-->
<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"amazon.com","service":"amazon"} /-->
<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"wordpress.com","service":"wordpress"} /-->
From my research the best reason for this I could find was a conflict with word presses font-awesome install, but after disabling all styling and plugins the social links still won't load. I have used Font-Awesome's conflict resolve javascript and that returns no conflict error, I have also tried enabling debugging mode in WordPress but that returns no conflict errors either.
Further more if I activate one of the default WordPress themes it loads the social links fine, so I am unsure what about the custom theme that is blocking the loading of the Social-Links
Can anyone help me determine the error or other possible methods of debugging to find out why it won't load the social-link html
. That will fix the issue.