I hope everyone is well!
I am looking for a possibility to load different galleries, background images etc for the phone and desktop. For example, I set my hero background image like this:
<section class="hero" style="background-image:
url(<?php echo esc_url(wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('advanced_custom_fields_field'), 'full')[0]);
When the window is resized (or website is opened on the phone), I would like to get the image from another advanced custom field entry (for example get_field('advanced_custom_fields_field _mobile') )
Is there a way to do it in php without js and ajax or is it the best way to do it with js?
Is there maybe a way to include advanced custom fields in a styles.php sheet with the header
header('Content-Type: text/css; charset:UTF-8');
If this was possible I could just write media queries here and include different images with get_field() function, but I didn't find a way to access get_field() function in style.php
Of course, this all can be achieved with js, but I am curious if there is a WP way of doing this. Thank you so much for your help!
function .