I have a simple Gutenberg block that styles text as a post it note. It uses a BlockControls to show some basic formatting like alignment and text styles. Since I upgraded to 5.5, to BlockControls doesn't show up floating over the widget. However, if I change my setting to be Top Toolbar it shows up on top and functions normally (setting screenshot). Note that the InspectorControls are showing up just fine. Here is my `index.js':

/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
import {
} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { PanelBody, PanelRow, FontSizePicker } from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

registerBlockType( 'sticky-note/sticky-note', {
    title: 'Sticky note',
    icon: 'pressthis',
    category: 'layout',
    styles: [
            name: 'paper',
            label: 'Paper', // TODO: What to do here? Use _x
            isDefault: true,
            name: 'flat',
            label: 'Flat',
    supports: {
        align: true,
        alignWide: false,
        reusable: false,
        lightBlockWrapper: true,
    attributes: {
        content: {
            type: 'array',
            source: 'children',
            selector: 'p',
        alignment: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'none',
        color: {
            type: 'string',
            default: '#f9eeaa',
        fontSize: {
            type: 'number',
            default: 16,
    example: {
        attributes: {
            content: 'Type something…',
            alignment: 'center',
    edit( props ) {
        const {
            attributes: { content, alignment, color, fontSize },
        } = props;

        const onChangeContent = ( newContent ) => {
            setAttributes( { content: newContent } );

        const onChangeAlignment = ( newAlignment ) => {
            props.setAttributes( {
                alignment: newAlignment === undefined ? 'none' : newAlignment,
            } );

        const onChangeColor = ( newColor ) => {
            props.setAttributes( {
                color: newColor === undefined ? '#f9eeaa' : newColor,
            } );

        const fontSizes = [
                name: __( 'Normal' ),
                slug: 'normal',
                size: 16,
                name: __( 'Medium' ),
                slug: 'medium',
                size: 20,
                name: __( 'Large' ),
                slug: 'large',
                size: 36,
                name: __( 'Huge' ),
                slug: 'huge',
                size: 48,
        const fallbackFontSize = 20;

        const onFontSizeChange = ( newFontSize ) => {
            props.setAttributes( {
                    newFontSize === undefined ? fallbackFontSize : newFontSize,
            } );

        return (
                            value={ alignment }
                            onChange={ onChangeAlignment }
                        <PanelBody title={ __( 'Color' ) }>
                                    disableCustomColors={ false }
                                    value={ color }
                                    onChange={ onChangeColor }
                                    clearable={ true }
                        <PanelBody title={ __( 'Font size' ) }>
                                    fontSizes={ fontSizes }
                                    fallbackFontSize={ fallbackFontSize }
                                    value={ fontSize }
                                    onChange={ onFontSizeChange }
                    style={ {
                        textAlign: alignment,
                        backgroundColor: color,
                    } }
                    onChange={ onChangeContent }
                    value={ content }
    save: ( props ) => {
        return (
                className={ `sticky-note-${ props.attributes.alignment }` }
                style={ {
                    fontSize: props.attributes.fontSize,
                    backgroundColor: props.attributes.color,
                } }
                value={ props.attributes.content }
} );

This is what the block looks like in the editor, see the floating block controls are missing: block without toolbar

But they show up fine and work when the top toolbar setting is selected: top toolbar working fine

I have tried removing all the CSS but that doesn't seem to have any effect. I have tested it up to 5.2, where it was working fine. You can find the entire code base on Github.

2 Answers 2


So I tested your code, and it seems that the issue happened because you enabled the lightBlockWrapper support for your block type (i.e. lightBlockWrapper: true in the support property), which then doesn't wrap the block in .wp-block — check a sample diff here.

And to fix the issue, you'd only need to disable the lightBlockWrapper support — use lightBlockWrapper: false or just don't set lightBlockWrapper at all..

  • Wow! Thanks Sally CJ, that worked. I am curious to know how you figured it out. I can't seem to find any documentation on that property. I don't even know why I added it (must've copied it from a tutorial).
    – prtksxna
    Commented Oct 11, 2020 at 15:59
  • 1
    I also couldn't find any documentation on that property, but I just thought that the lightBlockWrapper was a little suspicious, so I disabled it in the build/index.js file, and then tested it. (I did not figure it out at first sight/attempt, though; I also did some other similar tests earlier on)
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Oct 11, 2020 at 17:26

Try to use same code structure among the edit and save methods. The RIchText need to be waraped inside div.

 className={ `sticky-note-${ props.attributes.alignment }` }
 style={ {
     fontSize: props.attributes.fontSize,backgroundColor: props.attributes.color,
  } }
  value={ props.attributes.content }/>

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