I'm building my first Gutenberg block and the problem that I have is that the block control toolbar doesn't show. I've spend hours comparing my code with other Gutenberg blocks, but couldn't find what is wrong in my code. I would highly appreciate if someone could look at my code and advice.

Here is my code:

import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
import { 
        } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { 
    IconButton } from '@wordpress/components';
registerBlockType( 'luxworx-blocks/author-block', {
    apiVersion: 2,
    title: 'Luxworx: Author Block',
    icon: 'universal-access-alt',
    category: 'design',
    example: {},
    attributes: {
        title: {
            type: 'string',
            source: 'html',
            selector: 'h2'
        body: {
            type: 'string',
            source: 'html',
            selector: 'p'
        textColor: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'black'
        bgColor: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'white'
        authorImage: {
            type: 'string',
            default: null

    edit( {attributes, setAttributes}) {

        // Custom functions
        function updateTitle (newTitle) {
            setAttributes( { title: newTitle}) 
        function updateBody (newBody) {
            setAttributes( { body: newBody}) 
        function onTextColorChange (newColor) {
            setAttributes( {textColor: newColor})
        function onBgColorChange (newColor2) {
            setAttributes( {bgColor: newColor2})
        function onSelectImage(newImage) {
            setAttributes( {authorImage: newImage.sizes.full.url })
        return (
            <InspectorControls key="lx-authors-block-setting" style={ { marginBottom:'40px'} }>
                <PanelBody title={ 'Color setting' }>
                    <p><strong>Select text color:</strong></p>
                    <ColorPalette value={ attributes.textColor }
                                    onChange={ onTextColorChange } />
                    <p><strong>Select block bacground color:</strong></p>
                    <ColorPalette value={ attributes.bgColor }
                                    onChange={ onBgColorChange } />
                <PanelBody title={ 'Author image'}>
                    <p><strong>Select author image:</strong></p>
                        onSelect={ onSelectImage }
                        value={ attributes.authorImage }
                        render={ ( { open } ) => (
                                onClick={ open }
                                className="editor-media-placeholder__button button is-default">
                                Author Image
                        ) } />
            <div className="lx-authors-block wp-block" key="container" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor}}>
                <img src={ attributes.authorImage} className="lx-authors-image" />
                <div className="lx-author-info">
                                placeholder="Authors name"
                                style={ {color: attributes.textColor }} />
                                placeholder="Authors bio"
                                style={ {color:attributes.textColor}} />
    save( {attributes}) {
        return (
            <div className="lx-authors-block wp-block" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor }}>
                <img src={ attributes.authorImage} className="lx-authors-image" />
                <div className="lx-author-info">
                    <h2 style={ { color: attributes.textColor }}>{attributes.title}</h2>
                    <RichText.Content tagName="p"
                                    style={ {color:attributes.textColor}}
} );
  • 2
    You should not manually use wp-block that's an editor class that the editor is responsible for, not you. Use the useBlockProps etc hooks or remove those editor based classes to avoid a set of problems you're unaware of.
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Jul 24, 2021 at 18:14

2 Answers 2


Your edit function is just missing a [ and ], i.e. you forgot to actually return an array, like so:

return ([ // add that [
    <InspectorControls key="lx-authors-block-setting" style={ { marginBottom:'40px'} }>
    <div className="lx-authors-block wp-block" key="container" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor}}>
]); // and add that ]

Or you could instead wrap the elements in a fragment (<> and </>) or div if you want:

return (
        <InspectorControls key="lx-authors-block-setting" style={ { marginBottom:'40px'} }>
        <div className="lx-authors-block wp-block" key="container" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor}}>


In response to your answer, and as said by @TomJNowell, it's true that you should not manually add the wp-block class to your div (but I didn't notice you added it there, hence I didn't mention it in my original answer) and instead, because your block type is using the block API version 2 (note the apiVersion: 2, in your code), you should use useBlockProps to ensure the block wrapper is recognized properly and added with the proper classes like the wp-block.

However, the block editor handbook stated that:

If the element wrapper needs any extra custom HTML attributes, these need to be passed as an argument to the useBlockProps hook.

Therefore, instead of doing { ...useBlockProps() } className="lx-authors-block":

<div { ...useBlockProps() } className="lx-authors-block" key="editable" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor}}>

You should actually pass the className as an argument to the useBlockProps hook:

<div { ...useBlockProps( {
    className: 'lx-authors-block',
    key: 'editable',
    style: { backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor },
} ) }>

Otherwise, the div will not actually going to have the wp-block class and among other issues, the div will appear full-width in the editor:

Preview image

So make sure that you use the correct syntax and your return code should look like so:

return ([
    <InspectorControls key="lx-authors-block-setting" style={ { marginBottom:'40px'} }>
    <div { ...useBlockProps( {
        className: 'lx-authors-block',
        key: 'editable',
        style: { backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor },
    } ) }>

Which then would give you the correct outcome like so (note the block width and it's also focusable, e.g. when you click on the white background at the top-right corner):

Preview image


I have found a problem. My div wrapper was missing { ...useBlockProps() } So it should be:

 <div { ...useBlockProps() } className="lx-authors-block" key="editable" style={{ backgroundColor: attributes.bgColor}}>


  • I've just revised my answer. I hope it helps you more.
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Aug 4, 2021 at 18:35

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