currently i am developing a block and i am trying to use an experimental API __experimentalCaptureChildToolbar
(see This should be included in 7.2.0 of Gutenberg. It seems however unable to really tell which version is included in Wordpress (What version of Gutenberg is included with WordPress?) but i am using Wordpress 5.5.1 so it should be fine.
I was trying to simply use it like done one the navigation block, However it did not change anything.
I am not sure how the navigation block works (and if) as it is also experimental, from what i can see. I could not get any documentation or information via Google on how to turn on those experimental blocks. Can anybody help?
From what the documentation and all the sparse info i could find on the web on __experimentalCaptureChildToolbar
is it should be easy to just use it. Anybody has any guidance on how to use or has implemented it him-/herself?
Thank you.
P.S: There's not much to the code than adding the attribute
edit: function( props) {
return (
template={ slidesTemplate }
allowedBlocks={ allowedBlocks }
__experimentalCaptureToolbars={ true }
which from what i can see is not used while the toolbars are active.