I've been experimenting with the plugin options starter kit but can't find a way to save multiple rows of similar data using the Settings API. Example of what I'm trying to save:

|____Order#____|___Image URL___|_Enabled_|
|      1       |   http://...  |    Y    |
|      2       |   http://...  |    N    |

Can this be generated and saved using just one register_setting? I can't work out how this would be done, especially with the format of the data being saved to the database.

Thanks, Alex

2 Answers 2


These are the best two articles i've read(i'm sure there are others to) on creating multiple options using the Settings API, one covers usage inside a theme and the other inside a plugin, but essentially both actuall cover doing the same thing(registering a page and having some savable fields inside that page).

Both have a few pieces here and there i don't agree with, i can't recall specifically what, but it's the nature of writing code, you're not always going to agree with the way certain coders approach particular things. I don't have time to run over them now and pick out what i'd do different, but both are still very good examples of how to use the API.

Hope that helps.

  • Thanks for the 2 links, I'd seen Aliso's guide but not the Themeshaper one. I'll have a proper look over the Themeshaper guide as it looks the most thorough I've seen. I'll mark as answered once I've gone through it. Thanks
    – Alex
    Commented Dec 20, 2011 at 9:03
  • One more to add to the list (and a ping to remind you to accept @scribu's answer :) ): I wrote a tutorial for incorporating the Settings API in Themes. Hopefully it is helpful! Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 21:22

I have the same question myself and none of those two articles seem to answer the question.

Seems like a custom database is the only way to go ?

  • 1
    Er, what? Why would you think that you need a custom database? Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 21:23

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