I am using Wordpress and Buddypress and i am trying to remove or hide the username that is being displayed in the autocomplete field of messages in Buddypress. Tried some tests from this post and also this , but with no luck. Did someone run into this issue?
I was also looking around if i could just hide it with some css, but i think is not possible since the html is like that :
<li class="ac_event ac_over"><span id="link-username" href="#"></span>
<img src="https://www.test.com/wp-content/uploads/avatars/23/user-bpthumb.jpg" style="width: 15px"> User (<strong>U</strong>sername)</li>
and need to remove (<strong>U</strong>sername)
I have also tried to remove or add some html span inside the native bp code
'<span id="%s" href="#"></span><img src="%s" style="width: 15px"> %s (%s)' . "\n",
esc_attr( 'link-' . $user->ID ),
esc_url( $user->image ),
esc_html( $user->name ),
esc_html( $user->ID )
but when i try to remove (%s) it just breaks the displayed result.