I've inherited a wordpress site using the Avada theme and page loads seems to be exceptionally slow, anywhere from seven seconds to 30 seconds. It looks to me like one or more of the queries are doing something very strange, since there's a long list in the slow query monitor.
It's WordPress 5.2.6 running Avada theme.
Here is an example of some of the query data:
UPDATE wp_options
SET option_value
= 'a:8:{s:28:\"enable_builder_ui_by_default\";s:1:\"1\";s:15:\"fusion_elements\";a:40:{i:0;s:11:\"fusion_blog\";i:1;s:13:\"fusion_button\";i:2;s:11:\"fusion_code\";i:3;s:20:\"fusion_content_boxes\";i:4;s:13:\"fusion_events\";i:5;s:18:\"fusion_fontawesome\";i:6;s:14:\"fusion_gallery\";i:7;s:16:\"fusion_highlight\";i:8;s:17:\"fusion_imageframe\";i:9;s:25:\"fusion_
Then enormous amounts of this:
The incrementing number goes to 652628 and it says update_option() is calling Plugin: fusion-builder-mobile-layout-creator to create this query.
Any help appreciated.